Sunday, August 07, 2005

Living Beyond Myself - The Fine Art of Humility

Really for us to move forward to continue in the thought of 'Living Beyond Myself' we have to get a grasp of a word, that's just not used that often, you don't really hear of any seminars about it, courses taught, or self-help books and that is Humility. So I'd like to talk to you today about the Fine art of Humility.
When you think about humility, I think it's the most misunderstood character trait God ever invented. Before we go any farther into this let's take a look at what humility is not:
It's not shyness, or being timid or bashful, it's not being weak or spineless, it's not a lack of confidence, humility is not having a low opinion of yourself, or low self-esteem. Humility isn't walking around in life putting yourself down, saying 'well I'm gona go play racquetball against the curb' or something. That's not humility. Jesus never put Himself down yet He was the most humble person that ever lived.
Really humility takes an enormous amount of courage. Takes huge amounts of self-confidence. It takes personal security, in fact insecure people cannot be humble. Insecurity produces the exact opposite of humility, it produces pride.
Did you know that God promises more to those who walk in humility than almost any other trait, except for giving.
God says He'll save the humble, support the humble, promises to give wisdom to the humble, exalt the humble, He says, He will honor you if you're humble.
“There are seven things that God hates (sure would like to know what's on that list huh?) and cannot tolerate…” Proverbs 6:16

Do you know what the 1st one is on that list, Pride.
God loves humility, look at this vs.
This is the one I esteem: (you would want to find out what that
one is) he who is humble and contrite in spirit.” Isaiah 66:2

God says, He looks up to people who have a genuine spirit of humility, people who arent only interested in themselves, but hold others in high regard.
You know, I'm just thinking but if God esteems that, I'd sure like to know how to live that out.
What is Humility?

Humility is a way of __Thinking__
Humility is a way of __Acting ____

It's a way of thinking and acting – by the way humility has nothing to do with your emotions. You say I dont feel very humble. It doesn't matter how you feel. Feelings are immaterial.
Humility is a ___Choice ___
We chose it – life is full choices, we dont always see it that way.
So it's up to us to chose, to chose to think about others, reather than being that 'Naval Gazer' – b/c it's all about me, and my life, and my needs – and we chose to think about and then act on putting others ahead of ourselves.
Guess what, when we do that – I'm 'Living Beyond Myself'

I encourage you to do a word study this week on the word 'humble -
“Humble yourself before God.” (Multiple times in the bible)

Humility then is not thinking less of yourself, but it going beyond yourself – it's thinking of others instead of you. Their best interests instead of your own. To be other person centered.
This is not real ez – with everybody else, spouse, family, friends, co-workers, you name it – we think about ourselves 1st.
To develop humility is to move beyond myself and think about others.

“Let us not just talk about love. Let’s practice real love.”
1 John 3:18 (The Message) circle the word practice.
It takes practice, now you guys know what it means to practice.
How many of you ever had music lessons or singing lessons? You know the meaning of practice. How many of you ever played on a sports team? Then you know the meaning of practice – you've got to work hard to succeed. How many of you ever worked out at a gym for more than 2 weeks? You know the meaning of practice – it involves doing something over and over again until you get good at it and it becomes natural, or just 2nd nature to do it. In order to 'Live Beyond Ourselves' were going to have to practice a thing or two.
How do we get there?
How do we Practice the Fine Art of Humility?

First: Practice the art of giving __preference__ to others
Think about it right now, times and situations where it is hard or difficult for you to give preference to someone else. Such as a scenario where you'll let someone else go 1st. I can think of a couple scenarios – You're standing in the checkout lane @ HEB and it's the longest, slowest line(how many of you although you never intend to, find yourself in the longest, slowest line?) you're waiting there and you're in a hurry. Your getting frustrated, and the older guy behind you keeps hitting you with his cart. Then you hear it over the intercom, “Lane 4 now open” - what are you gona do in that moment?
You can pull a George Castanza and knock down older ladies and children with your cart on the way there. If you're a female you can put your hand under your shirt, “Lady with a baby” - you can try misdirection - “Oh there's lane 4”, and go the other way.
How about in a parking lot, again you may find yourself in a rush, or maybe a child is getting a little rambunctious and a spot opens up near the front, but there are 3 cars going for that spot. What do you do?
You see choosing, thinking, and acting upon it doesn't come natural – so what do you do? A – punch on the gas. B – hit the brakes. C – let the other guy go – then park behind them so they cant get out.

“Give preference to one another in honor.” Romans 12:10
circle preference -
“…Practice playing second fiddle…” Romans 12:10 (The Message)

Leonard Bernstein a famous conductor, was once asked what is the hardest instrument to play? He said 2nd fiddle.
Insnt that true – B/c everyone wants the top spot, 1st chair. Nobody wants to be a back-up. You couldn't have the beautiful sound of a symphony orchestra unless everybody was doing their part.
How about us? How are you doing practicing playing 2nd fiddle?

I have tried, I have tried this week purposely letting others in grocery store go ahead of me, giving up that parking spot, and in different scenarios, and it's hard, it's not ez. Maybe for a couple of hours.
To live beyond ourselves -

“Don’t push your way to the front. Put yourself aside and
help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your
own advantage. Forget yourself long enough to lend a
helping hand. Think of yourselves the way Jesus thought of
Himself. He was God but He took on the status of a slave an
incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special
privileges. Instead He lived a selfless obedient life.”

Philippians 2:3-8 (The Message)

Jesus is our perfect model in every area of life. He didn’t come thinking about me, He came thinking about you, about everyone else.
It's one way to stay focused this week, while you're warring, trying to practice humility – think about what Christ did for you – that will help you to shift you thinking towards others.
“Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become
James 1:19

Second: Practice the art of _learning _ from others
Part of humility is teachability. The willingness to grow, to be open to the suggestions, corrections, and criticisms of others. Not thinking you know it all.
Why, why should we be open to the correction of others -

Three Reasons:
I’ll be more __likable __
“Conceited people do not like to be corrected. They
never ask for advice.”
Proverbs 15:12

why, b/c their afraid you'll see they don't have it all-together.
But I'll be more likable if I'm open to teachings and not conceited.
Let me ask, “How many of you don't like being around arrogant people?” we just don't – their a pain in the 'blessed assurance'
Humility makes us more likable, people would rather be around someone who is humble, than proud. (don't be a know it all – even if you do know the answer)

I’ll be _wiser__ if I’m open to the correction of other people
“If you reject criticism you only harm yourself. But if
you listen to correction you grow in understanding.”

Proverbs 15:32 (New Living Bible)

Humble people are always growing b/c they're open to correction.
Did you know we are all ignorant in specific areas (some more than others) You know some stuff I don't, and I know some stuff you don't, and that applies to just about every relationship we can have.
It's wise to learn from other people – one of the best ways is to ask ?'s
you can only do that if you're humble enough to do it.
We have to decide, “Do I want to appear to be wise, or do I want to be wise?”

I’ll have __less__ conflict
Most conflict arises b/c I'm thinking about ME – you have violated my rights or my perceived rights. Then I'll be all over you. But if it's not about me, then war ceases, argument diminishes.
“Pride only leads to arguments.” Proverbs 13:10
Ask Someone:
What do you see that is wrong in my life?

Humility is not ez, it takes courage to be humble, it takes courage to open ourselves up and set pride aside.

Third: Practice the art of _surrendering __ your plans to God
Can I tell you what usually happens, what often happens is we make our plans and then ask God what He thinks.
Then we pray, God bless what I am doing. We may not have even asked Him to be a part of it in the 1st place. Then when our plans don't happen in the time we thought they should, or even happen at all, do you know what we do do? We blame God . Can I tell you what that is:
Pride. God doesn't like pride.
“God opposes everyone who’s proud but He gives grace to
everyone who is humble. Surrender to God.”
James 4:6-7

I can think of a lot people who I wouldn't want to have as my opponent – if I were in the ring against Jermain Taylor – I wouldn't want that fist to hit me. I wouldn't want to get on the basketball court w/ Shaq, he'd just give me a little booty move and I'm on the floor. I would not want to oppose Bill Gates at an auction.
But I certainly above all do not want to be opposed by God.

How do I surrender to God?
“Give yourselves to God and surrender your whole being (circle that) to Him to be used for His righteous purpose.” Romans 6:13

We surrender our whole being that is our thoughts, our plans, our decisions, everything. Then you see, when we dare to dream BIG, we are to be used for His purpose.
That's God's goal.
And we say, OK God, I'm going with your plan in my life, not mine. I'm going to intentionally chose your plan for my life. I know You're not gonna reveal that plan to me all at once, just a little at a time, but I'm good w/ that.
Humbleness is surrendering your plans to God.

We are challenged, just like Mary to surrender our plans to God. You may be mocked, ridiculed, criticized – and we will have a choice to be made, is it going to continue to be about me, or am I going to start thinking about everyone else?
That's surrendering our plans to God – that's 'Living Beyond Ourselves'

“This is what the Lord requires from you. That you do what
is right, to love mercy and you live humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8
Here it is again, if you read something in the Bible that God requires it of you, you'd probably want to know what that is. Real ez here:
Do what is right – simple to understand, may be hard to do
Love mercy – extend grace to those you don't want to extend to
Live humbly w/ God -

“God, turn me away from wanting any other plan than yours.” Psalms 119:37 (Living Bible)
That's my prayer! Let's memorize it – read aloud together.
That our goal – to live beyond myself. To live humbly with God, to put others ahead of my own interests. It's a bit tough – practice.
Restaurant today, a little fidgety, call our name, where's my waiter/ess
Ez to talk about in here, tougher to live it out there – all things are possible w/ God. Let's be people who are Known by Love!
We'll make a difference.

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