Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Four Myths Concerning Our Busy, Busy, Busy Lives

Do you ever feel over-run, over-whelmed, exhausted and just plain wiped out?
Guess what? So does everybody else....
Apparently it's the norm. Apparently this is the life we live. The society we live in mandates it.
Since everyone around us lives this way, if we don't, we scorned and mocked so we put on our "big boy" pants and we adhere... to the norm.
It's what I call, "The Storm of the Norm"

Did you know scripture actually points out that we (you and I) would choose to live this way? Unbelievable right? Stories and wisdom thousands of years old point out not only would we live like this but we'd choose to. How about that?

So I'd like to start this little series of writings with some myths.
Some myths we've all fallen into and all have believed.....

Myth #1: Busy equals important.- we think when you’re really busy it means you’re really living.- actually, being overly busy cuts us off from the time we need to spend cultivating the important relationships in our life: with our spouse, our kids, our friends, our God.

Myth #2: Someone wins the rat race.- this is a lie because the rat race is all about "what you do" and God is more interested in "who we are."- God will not ask at the judgment, "How busy were you?" Rather, He will ask, "Are you like Jesus?"

Myth #3: Hurrying will buy us more time.
- all this technology we now have was supposed to create tons of free time, but in fact it has increased the pace at which we have to work.- hurrying will buy more heart attacks, ulcers, stress, and headaches; but not more time.- our society is hurrying faster than it ever has, yet, ironically, we seem to have less time than ever before.- perhaps if we deliberately slowed down, taking that step back from our frenzied activity would give us the perspective to be able to see which things in our lives are worth doing.

Myth #4: "Down time" is wasted.- we are made to feel guilty if we aren’t constantly "doing something."- but God instituted the Sabbath into the system and the Scripture is filled with the idea of "God’s rest."

Read Luke 10:38-42
The ultimate tragedy of the busy life is the same as the tragedy that Martha faced - offered the opportunity to sit at Jesus’ feet, she (and we) are too busy to spare Jesus any time.
Is that your lifestyle?

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