Friday, January 11, 2013

Who are you?

Now that we've closed out 2012 and we've launched into 2013 our minds are filled with these great expectations...... "I'm going to be better this New Year."
"You'll see... I've got BIG plans." "I'm gonna lose weight, I'm gonna exercise more... I'm gonna eat better, I'm gonna learn how to play that 'instrument' I've put away in my closet... I'm gonna get a better job, I'm gonna save more money, I'm gonna quit smoking or drinking" or whatever vice seems to have a handle on us.....
I'm gonna, I'm gonna....

Well, we are eleven days into the New Year... how's it going?
This is about the time (if it already hasn't happened) that we begin to slide, to put aside those grand ideas and expectations.

I'd like to encourage you to move forward with your plans and expectations with a simple question.... "Who are you?"

Can you answer that question?

It's really important. It's really important because if you can't answer that simple question then you'll never be able to succeed in all the areas of life that you want to.

Most folks answer that question with their name and career choice. 
"Well I'm Joe Parks and I work for Rex Supply in Outside Sales."

But that's not who you are... that's your name and a job description.

"Well I'm a husband and father" 
Sure those are roles you play in life, but without a spouse and children "Who are you?"

I mean just you.... just you.
Not your name or career or roles you have currently... who are you?

In his book "Victory Over Darkness" Neil T. Anderson asked that question, "Who are you?" and got similar results that I mentioned above. 

He concluded that none of those were sufficient and offered this... "You are a child of God"

That's who you are.

YOU are a child of God. That's a big deal folks. 
It really is.

For any of us to succeed and move forward in this New Year we must be able to answer the question, "Who we are". Only then will we completely understand our goals and mission that is for us... not just this year, 2013, but in life.

For more insight watch or listen to "Who am I?" part 1 at recorded on Jan. 6th 2013 and join us for the rest of the month as we dig deeper into that question.

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