Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Deeper Love for Others

Not to long ago I wrote about the difficulty of 'loving others' as Christ as called us to love them. The question in it all was "how do I love some people when I don't even like them?"
Well I shared a very valuable key for all of us in exactly "HOW" we can do that.
Here's a link to that blog to discover that key: Sep. 5th blog entry

Today I'd like to push that a little further.........

I love this city! I am so grateful the Lord has planted my family and I here. I also recoginize that there are so many people in our city who do not know Christ as Lord and Savior.
They just don't. They're walking blindly throughout the streets of the city, in stores, at the gas station, sitting in the stands of High School football games, living next door to us in the suburbs........ everywhere.
It breaks my heart.

When I read the statistics of our city (Houston) I discover that 50% of the people who live here attend church services.
Now I guess that's supposed to be a LARGE number. This is the 'South' right? Aren't we a part of the Bible Belt? I thought the # would be higher.....
So with a little research I find that other cities rank much lower - here's a link:
State of the States

You see to me that's not acceptable!
I can't stand the thought of 50% in my city do not have a real relationship with Christ.
I'm not even gonna venture down the road of the 50% church attenders who really consider themselves true Christ followers okay.
The thought of HALF, half of the millions of people in this city will spend eternity apart from Christ if the world were to end today.
It breaks my heart.

So what can we do..........?

The answer folks is to PRAY.

To pray for the 50% Pray that they will come to know the loving grace of Jesus Christ.

So will you join me in praying for them.
Here's something that helps me.... Every time I go into downtown or pass by our beautiful skyline just driving along a freeway, it prompts me to pray for all those I mentioned earlier. Maybe now, it will prompt you to as well :)

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