Monday, May 28, 2007

The Elijah Element - Live by Faith

“Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, "As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word." 1 Kings 17:1

Elijah was the 1st in a long line of important prophets sent to Israel and Judah. Israel, the northern kingdom didn’t have a single faithful king throughout it’s history. Each king was wicked, actually leading the people into worshiping pagan gods. This is God’s chosen people in the promised land and this is how far they’ve fallen. There were few priests left in the land and the priests that were appointed by Israels kings were corrupt and ineffective.
So with no kings or priests to bring God’s Word to the people, God called prophets to try to rescue Israel from it’s moral and spiritual decline. Elijah was the 1st .
v.1 Elijah says to Ahab...confronts Ahab...think about this...
Ahab is the King of Israel - the power of life and death in his hands - to confront him....would be like walking up to Scarface and calling him a little girl - it could get bad.
We talked a bit last week of how Baal was worshiped as a weather god who brought the rains and big harvest. So when Elijah walks into the presence of this Baal-worshipping king and told him there would be no more rain for several yrs. - Ahab was shocked. there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word."
How brave, how courageous - realizing the ramifications of who he is speaking this to.
Elijah gallantly confronts the man who has led his people into evil.
What comes to mind when you think of confrontation? How do you feel when it’s time to confront someone or something?
Does the word confrontation make you feel uneasy? If so, you aren't alone. Although there are people who enjoy taking the bull by the horns, most of us would rather experience flight than fight, therefore make it our habit to avoid confrontation at all costs.
But there are many times, just as here w/ Ahab that it is absolutely necessary to confront an issue or att. or whatever...
(proper way?) vid

How to confront with success:

Get it from God - lines up w/ His Word

•You take the first step. Your goal is reconciliation rather than revenge. First, pray that God will grant you the love you need to speak the truth. Reconciliation is a two-way street, and unless both parties want to rebuild, reconciliation is impossible. Confrontation simply means coming together, articulating the problem, and allowing the other person to choose whether to be part of the solution. If so, you both move toward a fresh start. If not, you move toward a fresh start alone.

•You choose the right time. Timing is everything. Choose a time when you both won't be hurried and can really communicate.
•You choose the right place. Choose a location that is pleasant, private, and, if possible, neutral territory.

•You choose the right attitude. Confront caringly with real concern for the other person. Your main objective is to rebuild the love you once had for him or her. Do it gently, not offering more than the relationship can bear. Be constructive, taking into consideration any possible interpretations of blaming, shaming, or punishing. Be accepting of the other person's response and intentions.

•Don't confront when you are still too angry to control yourself.
•Don't confront when it's none of your business.
•Don't confront if you aren't sure about what really happened. Hearsay evidence doesn't count. - do your homework
•Don't confront when it's wise to overlook the offense. pic battle

•Focus on the issue. Don't wander off the subject or get diverted to another subject. Say, The situation I want to discuss with you is _______. If I get off the subject, please get me back on track, and I'll try to do the same for you, so we can resolve this problem.

•Focus on I, not you. Don't be accusative: You really made me mad. Or you have this lousy habit of... Instead start with the word I. I felt angry when you said... or I feel frustrated by your habit of...

•Focus on growth. Accept the fact that you, too, have contributed to the problem you're having. Enter into your confrontation with a willingness to hear the other person out, admit your faults, learn from your mistakes, and make amends.

•Focus on gentleness and mutual understanding. “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near” (Phil 4:5).
Remember, the person you are talking to is more important than any issue. Affirm the person - confront the issue

Elijah steps up to the plate and confronts Ahab. He gets it from God and confronts Ahab.
It takes faith to live like that! (vid) We are to live by faith.

That means in it’s simplest form - obedience.

When we live by faith, walk in faith great things happen.
When we walk in obedience to God, in what His Word already says it is not only going to make a huge impact on our own lives, but a significant impact on the lives of others around us.
How cool is that! God’s Word will not return void/empty - the promises are true. All we have to do is live by them, walk in them - what are wanting to see happen? what are you dreaming of? what do you want to see happen that is much bigger than you alone can make happen?
Simply live by faith - and watch the Creator of the Universe work

This is exactly what we see in the life of Elijah

Look at how often scripture shows us Elijah walking, moving in obedience -
17:2-5; 8-10; 18:1-2; 19:5-6; 7-8; 11-13; 15-19; 2 Kings 1:3-4; 15

in every command of God, Elijah moved in obedience, w/out hesitation (oh... im not sure about that God.. that doesn’t make any sense.. really, you want me to do that?)
Elijah went for it - w/ a heart completely in line w/ God - it was easy for him to live by faith.

Amazing, amazing things happened in his life, as we see will together in the weeks to come - but I want to show you this before we move on... walking in obed. affects others.
read 17:9-15a
She went - she moved in obed. to the will of God
Obviously, this is a man of God, who is walking in obed. - in line w/ the heart of the Father and it creates in her this willingness to move in obedIence! WOW!

walking in obedience to God, in what His Word already says it is not only going to make a huge impact on our own lives, but a significant impact on the lives of others around us.

We are to be people who live by faith.

Charles Blondin tight rope illus.

Think about that. What does that mean? What could that look like even in a smaller community, a small group right here -
The impact we can have even today is HUGE!

Let’s commit to being people who live by faith.

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