Sunday, August 13, 2006

'Finding GOD in your iPod' - iConnect

Jordan Pruitt is the next up and coming disney created star. (in line w/ Hil. Loh. Alli & AJ , Miley Stew. aka H.M....) Jordan only 15yrs. old and her music was featured on the disney movie, ‘Read it and weep’. She is on the rise and very soon you will be bombarded w/ Jordan Pruitt.

This song is more prevalent than I think we really know. Look at these lyrics:
You don't know my name
You don't know anything about me
At your right to play nice
I wanna be in your game
That things that you say
You may think I never hear about them
But word travels fast
I'm telling you to your face
I'm standing here behind your back

You don't know how it feels to be outside the crowd
You don't know what it's like to be left out
And you don't know how it feels to be your own best friend
On the outside looking in

If you could read my mind
You might see more of me that meets the eye
And you've been all wrong
Not who you think I am
You never given me a chance


Oh I'm tired of staying at home
I'm bored and all alone
I'm sick of wasting all my time

The yearning of the human spirit is to connect.
God has created us for community. Do you know of any other songs that has the theme of loneliness?
Of wanting & longing for companionship? Of wanting to be included and loved?
(think of some w/ neighbor) ‘I’m w/U’ Avril

In the Genesis story of creation Adam was not complete until there was Eve. The meaning is clear: no individual is
complete in himself, in herself - humanity is persons-in-relationship.
The ? is how do we complete ourselves then?
Think about all the clubs and org. we get involved in?
The Lions Club, The Elks Lodge, The Boosters, the Garden Club, the committee of fair housing, fraternities, social clubs,
book clubs, poker club, theater groups, and on and on,..on

God has created us to connect, created us for community.

Something I’ve never done b4, teach out of the Song of Songs - A book that is so descriptive in an intimate relationship between 2 lovers, a man and woman, the lover and his beloved. What some may not see is that this is a love song of God to all mankind. A message of salvation, that we are God’s beloved. A longing for us to move out of solitude into communion. Communion in an intimate relationship w/ Savior.
Ahh... but there’s more...
In this we see just how we are and have been created to connect.
Let’s look together, beginning in ch.1

Right off the bat in vs. 2 we have the words, “Kiss me”

This in the Hebrew is a direct, and passionate appeal to connect.
The appeal to connect

This person does not want a surface relationship, they do not want just an acquaintance, This is an appeal for their life to be connected to someone else.
Life to be meaningful must be joined together with others.
This is true for all of us. However,
we don’t always share that info do we? Sometimes we hide it, we don’t feel we want to burden others or we feel that we don’t want others to know of our loneliness (which is the exact opposite of what we need) So

look at the next line in v. 2
“your love is better than wine”

The meaning of wine, in this context, is that it lifts a person from isolation into shared fellowship.
For those who are lonely, those who are consumed in themselves, feeling inadequate, feelings of guilt or shame,...
wine or something of the like, can temporarily free them from such inwardness and liberate them to talk freely
(courage in a can)
It assists in communicating w/ others - you feel me?
Wine and the like is praised b/c it releases inhibitions and stimulates conversation. It banishes isolation & bridges the chasms that separate people. But, love is better than wine.

The longing to connect

B/c love does it better - love dissolves the separating wall & enables true communication of emotion, thought, and
purpose. (not only in intimate lover relation. - deep friendships, comrades, love like bro. or sis. - like family/ God’s)
There is an insurmountable # of people who tried wine or the like and have discovered it doesn’t work, as a matter of fact in the even short distance of the long run, it makes matters worse.
People are longing for something that works permanently.
That can only be found in a loving communion or

v.3 “Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; 
       your name is like perfume poured out.”

The need to be known

Since we have been created for community there is this deep desire w/in each of us to be known. And there is no other sound more important, more delightful, than the sound of our own name.
Dale Carnegie -
“A person’s name is the sweetest sound they hear”

All of us make an appeal to connect, we all long to connect, each of us has the need to be known.
Each of us have the same desies:
We want to know and be known
We want to love and be loved

HOW? and WHY?

Let’s read Hebrews 10 - circle every ‘let us’

22let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. 23Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:22-25

1. Go after God v.22
"let us draw near to God"

2. Believe v.22, 23
"let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith...
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess"

The 1st and most important connection to make is that w/God (scrip.)- We have a loving God who longs for a personal connection w/ each and every one of us. Here in Heb. we see how to connect w/ others as well as God - we are to pursue God, to go after God, to draw near - that is a prioritizing - making God # 1 b4 all else.
We then live by faith that God is in control of everything in our lives and if we pursue Him 1st we believe everything else will fall into place.
“your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:32-33

3. Gather v.25
"Let us not give up meeting together"

We cannot make it on our own. God created us for community - Adam was not complete until Eve.
There are those who occasionally attend some sort of gathering w/ other believers, be it a church service or small group or some other outing - or attend an Easter or Christmas service thinking they’ve done their duty (“I’ve put in my time”)
But Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
We need each other- on a regular basis. couple reasons why

4. Urge v.24
"let us consider how we may spur one another on"

We need others in our lives who are going to spur us on, urge us to go farther - you know what this means? We need urgers in our lives to create and bring change. And are you ready for this, we all need to change.
Our lives in Christ is all about change. That’s what God is doing - we are transforming into the likeness of His Son,
Jesus Christ
Everyone of us needs people urging us, helping us to change. WHY? B/c alone we can never live out the full capacity God has for us - we need to be challenged
(I think that’s why Dr. Phil is so popular - all we’ve had are Talk show hosts who comfort and along comes Dr. Phil who says, “You ought stop doing that, that’s just stupid!” - we’re thinking, “yeah, that’s right”) - vid
Urging gets us where we need to go and it’s the uncomfortable confrontation that you get to live out, Proverbs 27:6 “Wounds from a friend can be trusted” Why?
If we are left to our own we will never rise to a higher level than what is comfortable.

5. Love v.24, 25
“let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds... let us encourage one another”

Sometimes life just rips out the capacity to believe in what you are capable of doing - sometimes we have waited for something to happen for long we don’t ever think it’s going to happen. Sometimes it’s attempts that failed, “I gave it my best shot, it didn’t happen”
So when times get tough we just lower our stand/expect.
We need others to put the ‘courage’ back in our lives.
We need others helping us to believe that we can do all and everything God has called us to do. It’s not that profound really - we need people in our lives to say to us, ‘Y U can’
Your mind may be lying to you, circumstances may be telling you otherwise, but ‘Yes you can!’ You can do this.
“I know you, you can do it” ever notice how other people see more in us than we do ourselves?
Is there anything you’ve given up in your life?
What has crushed the possibilities of what’s supposed to happen in your life?
We need others to encourage us, to tell us, ‘Yes you can’

more on love next week

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