Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sensing God wherever you are

Sequoia National Forest 
As the Summer season nears it makes me wonder of the plans, vacations, getaways, etc... that you can plan throughout this season. The children are home, usually bored out of their mind looking for something to do. So some sort of family time away together can be a whole lot of fun and maybe necessary :)
It reminds me of our big family summer vacation last year.
It was one of those bittersweet adventures.
We left together as our family of four but only 3 of us returned.
Our oldest daughter stayed in California for her 1st year of college.
The 2 week vacation included a ton of fun but closed with a very tearful goodbye as Jessica stayed in her dorm room.
The week prior in our California vacation while we were still all together we spent 4 days at Sequoia National Park. It was a wonderful time of relaxing together and some time away from the world.... literally.
There was no cell service where we were. Hence no internet which created a fantastic reality of "unplugging".
During those days I began each morning with a walk by myself through the forest and along the creek trails.
At one point of each walk I would climb over some rocks within the creek to place myself right in the middle sitting atop a rock while the water was running through the cracks and crevices and over the top of smaller rocks creating a soothing, very pleasant and peaceful sound.
I would sit there with my eyes closed listening to that sound near me and echoing through the forest. Along with other birds and wildlife all around me.
I just sat there focused on God and reflecting as I listened.
I really like those times, those places. They are so peaceful, so encouraging and revitalizing.
I'd imagine you feel the same way.

As I lingered reflecting, hearing the bubbling of the water, in some places it hurried over rocks then trickled slowly through a pool of water. Everywhere it was moving forward, sometimes loudly sometimes like a quiet undercurrent.
Gods Spirit moves similarly in our lives. At times Gods presence is audible and obvious and many times He is the quiet current moving through our lives revitalizing us.
Whether bold or noisy, hushed or subtle, the Spirit is always there if we pause long enough to listen.
No matter where you are.

So here's a thought:
Stop and listen to the sounds around you right now. What do you hear? Traffic? Nature? People?
Reflect on how they display and express Gods presence in your life today.

"If anyone believes in me, rivers of living water will flow out from that person’s heart, as the Scripture says.”  John 7:38

Holy Spirit, thank you for Your presence and Your movement through my life.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Are you pursuing Convenience or Consistency?

Talk is cheap isn't it? Think about how many resolutions are made and broken and weeks of the initial commitment. We all have good intentions, but somehow our resolve fades over time and we fall back into our failed patterns of behavior that has robbed us of the fullness of life Jesus came to give. 
So what do we do......
As we tackle this new challenge, as we pursue a deep relationship with God and abundant faith, we do it with our eyes on the prize. Our goals nor godliness never happens by accident. 

Daniel and his friends Hanniah, Mishael and Azariah were Israelites from the royal family. They were handsome, bright and quick to learn. They were considered the best of the best. And the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar wanted them; he put them into his training program designed to fully indoctrinate them into the ways and culture of Babylon.
The culture was attractive and enticing. It appealed to one's desire for success, sensuality, self-indulgence and status. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Even though Daniel was surrounded by the allure of this culture, he resisted it's pull & remained true to God. He would not eat the Royal food offered to idols.
Lesser men would've crumbled under the pressure, but not Daniel. This decision to follow God was not one of convenience. It was a matter of consistency and loyalty. 
The decision to pursue God, to grow spiritual roots to walk with God in a personal way requires resolve. Not the kind of resolve that is broken by excuses or obstacles. 

And the great truth here is that it actually feels good to take a stand and do things differently. It produces courage, especially when you know that you have stood with God. And this courage then grows into an even greater resolve to follow through, overcome challenges and stay the course.

So with Daniel as our example I have a couple of questions for. Take your time and think through them, answer them and act on the resolve:

1. What actions can you take to do things differently than everybody else?
2. What are common ways that you give into the pressure of those around you? With food? With lifestyle?

For more of "small things, BIG Difference" go to to see the schedule which begins Sunday, May 18

Friday, May 09, 2014

Hearing God in your hurried pace of life

  Sometimes the hectic pace of life is deafening. The alarms sounds, the day starts and we hit the ground running. The thought of taking time to enter our day on our knees is almost uncomfortable because the list of our "to dos" is waiting...., the clock is ticking, and the schedule has begun.
We race from one activity to the next and maybe, just maybe, in this hurried state we think to ask God to bless our work, to be with us,.... to keep up.
We reason that God will understand because He knows the mountain of responsibilities that we face. But its IMPOSSIBLE to hear God in the chaos of life.
Elijah, one of God's great prophets, experienced this firsthand. He was used to hearing God in a personal way. God spoke to him in the quiet moments when he wasn't distracted.
A great and powerful wind came, but God wasn't in the wind. Then came an earthquake and fire, but God was not in there either. A gentle whisper came, and Elijah heard His voice.

 I wonder if most of the time we just plain miss His presence because we don't slow down long enough or get quiet enough to hear. In Psalm 46:10 we are told to "Be still and know that I am God."
Sometimes we expect God to be more obvious. We want Him to give us a sign. But God wants us to train our ear to hear His voice. He wants us to unplug... unplug from the email, the voicemail, the TV, whatever mobil device we bury our face into and actually APPRECIATE SILENCE.
He wants our undivided attention so He can bring real TRANSFORMATION from the inside out.
So how does that look for you? Are you running a frantic race day in and day out? Feeling worn out and exhausted? Or... do you find yourself refreshed and renewed each day in God's presence?

If you are running the frantic race, my suggestion is to start each day here, in your quiet place, and be still. If you'll listen to His voice He'll speak to your heart through His Word. Let Him probe your conscience and bring things to mind that need to be changed.
He'll encourage you to dig deeper and stay the course.
And you'll see how much easier and better each day becomes.

"There he came to a cave, where he spent the night. But the Lord said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
Elijah replied, “I have zealously served the Lord God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too.”
 “Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the Lord told him. And as Elijah stood there, the Lord passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper." 1 Kings 19:9-12

Listen to or watch the 11 part series, "The Elijah Element" at
Focus Church media page

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dealing with DOUBT: Questioning God

In the midst of living life we can ask many questions... our lives can be shaken by surrounding circumstances that greatly impact us. It can cause us to question "WHY?"
"Why is this happening to me?"

Something I've learned over the years (the hard way) is not to question why, but ask the Lord "WHAT?"
"What is it Lord I can learn from this?" What is it Lord You are wanting to get ME to open my eyes to?"
I have found that the sooner I can get WHAT You Lord are wanting me to see, the sooner I can get out of this mess that surrounds me.
So I ask, "What do I need to get out of this, so I can get out of this?"

We can turn to God's Word for answers and comfort.

How to UNCOVER God's Word: 
ASK - God to connect with you here. In prayer, start by slowing down, inviting God to be present. Begin with focus and openness to see what God has for you.

READ - the selected section of Scripture slowly. Take note of the words and phrases that intrigue you, reading them a second time if necessary.

REFLECT - on what grabs you. What connections do you see at this point in your life? How might God be speaking to you through these words? Stop long enough to let this take root and thank God for engaging you.

RESPOND - to the Scripture. Speak directly to God about what's on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what you've uncovered - individually and with your church. And look for ways to bring what you have discovered to others.

"Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint;
heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.
My soul is in deep anguish.
How long, Lord, how long?
Turn, Lord, and deliver me;
save me because of your unfailing love."  Psalm 6:2-4

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

You Have Unfinished Business..... so how do you Finish Strong?

Can you think of something you recently finished?
And youre happy that its done, whatever it is, maybe a project around the house, or maybe its something to do with schoolwork or heck maybe youre happy you finished the laundry, whatever it is, it's a wonderful feeling right?
You did it! It's done and you can check it off the list.... aahhhhhhh....

- Well that is exactly what we’re talking about today...
Let me give you some context before we dive into this… 
Shortly before the cross Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Bible says that He was in such agony that literally, drops of blood was coming from His brow, as He thought ahead to what He would experience on the cross. Sure enough, it was worse than any of us could ever imagine. If you know much about what would have happened, the Roman soldiers beat Him senseless, after whipping him 39 times across His back, to where very likely His internal organs would be exposed. They beat Him again and again in the face. They mocked Him, they spit on Him, the creation abusing the Creator. They took a crown of the sharpest thorns you could ever imagine. Thorns, really long pushing it down across His brow, so that blood streamed across His bruised face that barely even looked human at all. The soldiers then took long stakes and drove them through His wrists and through His ankles and suspended Him midair on a cross. As man did his worst, God was at His best. When Jesus spoke the very first words and prayed, "Father, forgive them for they don't even know what they are doing." 

We pick up the story in John 19:28, and here's what the Bible says:

Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty." John 19:28

Now, why did He say that? Well, it's interesting that in the Old Testament, there were all of these different prophesies about what would take place in His life and there was one that was yet to be fulfilled. That was, that they would give Him vinegar to drink. And so by faith, or maybe even with the knowledge of God, we are not sure. Jesus just said, "I am thirsty." And then, here's what they did, they fulfilled this prophecy, verse 29:

A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips. John 19:29

So, they are going to give Him vinegar again to torture Him while He is thirsty on the cross, but verse 30 says something so intriguing. The Bible says:

When He had received the drink, Jesus said, (the three most amazing words that we could ever imagine) "It is finished." John 19:30

 "It is finished!" 
Imagine the moment when they finally fulfilled that very last, unfulfilled prophecy, and Jesus, maybe in a triumphant cry, or maybe in a private whisper, declared before Father God, 'It's done! We did it! It's finished! Everything that you sent me to do,Father; it's done!' Jesus said, "It is finished." The Bible goes on to say:

With that, He bowed His head and gave up His Spirit. John 19:30

He did what Father God sent Him to do. The words, "It is finished", it actually comes from one Greek word, it's the word, tetelestai (te-tel-les'-ty). this word means: To end, to complete, to execute, or to discharge a debt.

Jesus said, "tetelestai." I did it, I paid the debt, I finished it. I discharged, I did precisely what you sent me to do. This one little word has so much rich meaning. In fact, there’s 3 different ways this word can be used. Tetelestai; it can mean when a servant returns to His master and says, tetelestai, tetelestai, I finished, I have finished what you sent me to do, there is nothing left for me to be done, I did everything you asked me to do. It can be used as a merchant declares that the debt is paid in full, you owe nothing. The debt is cleared, it's totally paid. It can be used when a priest examines a lamb for the sacrifice and the priest says, "Tetelestai". It is perfect, this lamb has no blemish at all, it's perfect. Jesus said, on the cross before Father God, "Tetelestai". I did it. History has been changed. Your mission, your work Father, it is complete. 

You may say, 'Well, what did He finish?' So many things. I mean, one thing is, so many of the prophesies had been fulfilled. In fact, in the Old Testament, I will just list a few of the prophesies that were uttered literally hundreds of years before this event that were fulfilled. Amos prophesied that darkness will befall the land and it was fulfilled. Isaiah said Jesus would one day be rejected, and He was. Psalms said He would be betrayed. Isaiah also said He would be beaten, He was. Spit upon, He was. Wounded and bruised for our transgressions, He was. Psalms said He would be mocked, and He was. Zachariah said He would be forsaken by His friends, and He was. Isaiah said He would pray for His persecutors and He did, and He would be crucified by thieves and He was. Psalms said they would cast lots for His clothing and they did. It also said none of His bones broken and they weren't. It also said, He would cry out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" And He did. It was prophesied that He would be pierced, and He was. It was also prophesied that they would give Him vinegar to drink and He said, "I am thirsty" and they did. 

"It's finished." All of those prophesies had been finished. What else was finished? Well, Satan's plan had been thwarted since the beginning of the birth of Jesus. Satan did everything he could to take Jesus off of the track to the cross, but Jesus finished it. He completed what God sent Him to do. The sacrifice was perfect. The debt had been paid in full. Sin lost its sting and power for those who are in Christ. Jesus looked up to His Father and said, "I finished what you sent me to do." The best news for all of us is that Jesus finished the work. That's the good news. 

The bad news though, even though He finished, we haven't. That's right, none of us have. If you are alive today, you have unfinished business. There is more that God wants to do in you and through you. We all have unfinished business. 

"You have unfinished business." In Revelation, Chapter 3:1-2, I want you to let this Scripture kind of sink into your spirit, and even disturb you, if you find yourself in it just a bit. Look at what Scripture says:

I know your deeds; you have a reputation for being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Rev 3:1-2

We have unfinished business. 

Approx. 30 yrs ago when I was 10,11,12 yrs old God whispered to me I would be a preacher. 
I remember that moment clearly. I remember thinking to myself and basically telling God “uh I dont think so my man, you got me confused w/ the neighbor or something.” I totally ignored it and never thought about it again. Until about 20yrs ago I was 21 and it started all over… I was still resistant -  this time though God was very persistent. He was basically telling me “its time Joe, no more putting Me off, no more delays, its time to start… now!”
So I sat Cathleen down and explained everything. 
(only married a year or so, she could've totally been like “yeah I dont think so buddy, I didnt sign up for this, I’m outta here” )
But she didnt. Because God was preparing her heart as well.
So that was it. From that moment on I was all in. I started strong. Enrolled in Seminary, completed all the studies, did all the work, I was focused and knew I had to prepare. 
I began getting involved in ministry. It started small and just slowly grew over time. More responsibilities, moved into a leadership role & eventually became a licensed pastor.

It was all going well. But somewhere about 12yrs into that journey I had a new discovery. 
I was literally going through the motions. I had lost the vision God had for me and I had become this religious guy with a great facade. This look of a young and upcoming minister. But I could see it really wasnt me, it was a bit phony. I had become what I perceived a religious leader should look like. 
But was empty inside. The reality of Revelations 3:1-2 had hit home.
I had this reputation for being alive but I was dead. I was not the Joe Parks God called me to be. 
I was the Joe Parks the church folks and other leaders thought I should be. And it was empty & false.

Wake up! Wake up Joe and become what Ive called you to, you have unfinished business.
And so the these past 15yrs or so there has been this transformation back to the 11yr old and 21yr old version of being who God called me to be. 
And everyday I strive towards the vision and dreams God planted in me to complete.
 That is my unfinished business.....

May I ask, what's yours? What is it? In fact, if we could, no matter where you are, When I say unfinished business, I want you to write down the first thing that comes into your mind. It may not be a huge area of hypocrisy like me, but maybe it's something that God has burdened you, created you to do, that you have not seen through. Maybe God's called you to adopt, or to be a foster parent, how incredible is that? And that hasn't come to pass. Maybe your unfinished business is to forgive someone. Maybe your unfinished business is to get out of debt. Maybe your unfinished business is to share the love of Christ with someone you love who is far from Him. 

In the next few moments, what I want to ask you to do, as God by His Spirit reveals His Word; I want you to let Him speak to your heart in light of what you just wrote down. Why? Because every single day that God blesses us with another opportunity to live, is another opportunity to take one step closer to the purpose that He has given you. Jesus finished well. Let's be honest, we live in a culture where people start many, many things and finish few. And so, how do we, like Christ finish well, when so few finish anything? I want to give you a couple of thoughts today, and just write these down as we just seek God. God, how can I finish strong? The first thought is this,

1.) We are going to make a commitment.

Now, I know some of you are already saying, "I've done that! I've made a commitment!" 
Have you? I think we have a skewed view of what commitment really looks like. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 8:11; 

Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means. 2 Corinthians 8:11

See I believe, in our culture, commitment is defined by mere eager willingness, but that isn't commitment. Like, we commit, I am going to lose weight, but friends, so often that is only an eager willingness because there is still Double-Stuf Oreos in your pantry! Too close to home, isn't it? It isn't commitment until you change and you complete what your eager willingness was about. 

In Spring of 1519, Hernando Cortez received permission from the Governor of Spain to take 11 ships, and 700 men to discover a new world. They sailed all with eager willingness, to expand the territories of Spain, and to increase the treasures that they would find in this new land. When they landed in Vera Cruz, their eager willingness waned quickly. Because what they discovered, is that there was the most savage, violent natives that they hadn't prepared for. All of a sudden the crew began to rebel. They began to talk to one another, 'I want to go home! I don't like the food! I don't like somebody chasing me trying to cut off my head! I want to go home!' Their eager willingness was gone. When Cortez got wind of the descent, he gave an order to one of his crew, a simple order; 
burn the ships. And they did. And that, that is commitment. Commitment is taking your passionate desire to do something, drawing a line in the sand, stepping across that line and there is no turning back. That is how we finish strong. When we commit with that kind of resolve. And it's exactly what we see personified by our Savior, Jesus. 

In the Garden of Gethsemane, He was battling over what He knew would happen. Scripture says that the stress and the agony was so intense that literally the capillaries in His skin were bursting under distress and He was literally sweating blood. You hear it, and you hear it, and you hear it in His words. In Luke 22:42, Scripture says:

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me..." Luke 22:42

Father, if there is any other way, please! And then, something changed. I believe this is the moment where our Savior stepped across the line and there was no turning back, and He says:

"...yet not my will, but yours be done." Luke 22:42

In that moment, it was on. If we are going to finish strong, we start with commitment, by making a commitment with great resolve. 
Burn the ships! You've got a ship, you have a ship waiting for you at the dock so whenever things get tough, whenever they get tight, a little too uncomfortable for you... you can run back and take off.
Burn the ships! Make a real commitment 

2.) We are going to take the next step. 

 We are going to take the next step. And after that, we are going to take the next step, and after that we are going to take the next step after that. Why? Because the chasm between where we live today and our present reality is so overwhelming to where we are and where we want to be... where God wants us. 
That's why most people don't finish, is they look at this huge chasm, that separates where we are from where wants to be, to the fulfillment of the vision. You say, "I can't do that!" Yeah, you can! With one step, after another step, after another step. Like Bill Murray, in what about Bob (video).

We are going to take what? Baby steps to the elevator, baby steps out of my addiction, baby steps to being a foster parent; we are going to take baby steps to the promise of what God has called us to do and who He has called us to be. That is why, in the Book of Psalm, Chapter 119:105, Scripture says:

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

And it's in this place that the beauty of God's Word comes alive, because He doesn't give us enough revelation to go the whole way. We can't see that far, but I can see just enough to take one more step. 

What's your next step? What is it? You don't have to map out the whole thing. God won't let you even if you wanted to. What is your next step though? Literally, just take a second, just write it down. What is it? Is it to write the letter? Write it down. Is it to cut up the credit cards? Write it down. Is it to make the phone call? Is it to fill out your resume? Maybe your next step, is to forgive. If we are going to finish strong, we are going to commit with great resolve. We are going to take the next step. 

This time of year, this Easter season, it's so overwhelming to think about the journey that Christ went on, from the Garden of Gethsemane to the cross. From the Garden to the Cross, that timeframe.
Jesus was crucified on a hill, and it was called Golgotha, and it literally meant, the place of the skull. That place is so terrifying. People didnt go there. Golgotha was a vacation destination... "so what are you guys doing this summer? Yeah, the wife & kids and I are headed to Golgatha, just relax & I dont know maybe throw some rocks." 
No! Nobody goes there. And thats what is ahead of Jesus Christ and He takes a step...
I often imagine what the journey up that hill looked like. He was beaten within an inch of His life, barely recognizable as a human being, and then in the place, He took a step...
up that hill to carry OUR sin to HIS cross. 
And in that agony, with the crown of thorns being put on His brow, the thorns going into His skin. He took a step... with the hope that if we would say yes to a relationship with Christ, that you would become adopted as a child of God. Then, He picked up a beam that He would be hung on and He placed it on His beaten shoulder, and He took a step.....
with the hopes that those of us who are under the suffocating weight of bondage and addiction would be set free. Then He clawed His way up to the place where nails the size of railroad spikes would pierce His wrist. He took another step, last step, to say to you, "I love you." He finished well. He finished strong. 
And for those of us who still have breath in our lungs, who have not yet finished what God has purposed us to finish, let us be encouraged by the truth of God's Word, in Philippians 1:6, Scripture says:

....being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

Folks, I cannot begin to tell you how many times over the last 20yrs I have clung onto this piece of scripture. It is great encouragement to me, as I believe it is or will be to you.
I have unfinished business, so do you….

God did not send you to earth to start a race, He sent you here to finish it. Commit, take the step and finish. How do you do it? When we get to the place where you know the what? Our life is not about us. This is what Paul said in Acts 20:24:

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task...."

And for Him, it was the task of testifying to the Gospel of grace. 
Finish your race. If you are still alive, God is not through with you yet. Keep in step with the Spirit, stay close to God and follow His voice. Commit and take the next step so one day, you can stand before Christ in Heaven and say, "Tetelestai, I did what you sent me to do." And he will say to you, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." 

Listen to me folks, burn the ships, take the next step & Finish the race.

Watch video of Pastor Joe Parks sharing the message "It is Finished" 

Focus Church website

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

The 5 APPs given to us.... #2 Serving

Last week we looked at the 1st app found in the 1st line of the great commandment - “Love God with all your heart”  - Worship - life of worship leads to celebration on sunday - already worshipping.
Today we’re looking at the 2nd app also found in the great commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself” - Service/Ministry 

 So if we are talking about Love your neighbors aka love others then of course we are looking at what God’s word says about love. One of my favorite love scriptures is the key scripture for our children’s ministry. It’s

1 John 3:18
"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."

This scripture is why we call the children’s ministry of Focus Church, Action Adventures. 
Our desire is to teach our kids that putting love into action is the greatest adventure we will ever have. It’s also the greatest challenge because loving people can be hard can’t it? I mean it’s easy to SAY we love people or we love our fellow believers but truly loving them ‘not with words but with actions and in truth’ is something quite different isn’t it? There are just those people that are hard to love. They are annoying, maybe they are gross - they have horrific breath or B.O. or something... and as nice as they are they are it’s just hard to physically be near them. :/
Maybe they are negative to the core. I have a really hard time with negative nillies. You know what I mean? Like I decided some time ago I just don't wanna hang out with folks who are constantly spewing negativity, I think to myself, "You can't soar with the Eagles if you're hanging out with the Turkeys"  :)
 There are just people who can be difficult to love. The easy thing to do would be to just blow some of those people off but as believers we don’t get to get off that easy. We are to be the Church. We are to demonstrate Christ to the world around us - including those that are hard to love. 

Ephesians 5:1-2 says
"Be imitators of God, therefore, as beloved children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us”

Guess when He gave Himself up for us?

Romans 5:8
8....God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

So while we were still hard to love is when He demonstrated His love for us, right? And we are to be imitators of Him. Wow. Chew on that for awhile. Here’s what I know. On my own - I am just not capable of that kind of love. I’m just not. I can admit it. But Christ shows me how. I can look at his life and his words to love others and open up the Service APP to see how I’m going to be able to live out the directive given in Eph 5. Let’s look at 4 of them:

Matthew 20:26b-34 
26.......whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
 29As Jesus and his disciples were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed him. 30Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was going by, they shouted, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!"
 31The crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the louder, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!"
 32Jesus stopped and called them. "What do you want me to do for you?" he asked.
 33"Lord," they answered, "we want our sight."
 34Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.

How do we love & serve others like Jesus:

1. Prepare your heart

I don’t think it’s any coincidence that this experience with the two blind men came shortly after Jesus had the conversation about serving with his disciples. Don’t get me wrong - I know it wasn’t immediately after - but it does appear to have been shortly after he spoke about serving others.
Right before encountering these 2 blind men Jesus had prepared their hearts to serve.
For you and I to be the servants Jesus has called us to be, we must prepare our hearts for service, to minister to others. 
Why is that? Because w/out it, just left to our own schedules and agendas our minds are full of thoughts which leads to activities that we need to and want to accomplish. We are self centered people with our own desires wanting to be met, so here we see Jesus preparing their hearts.
He taught about serving and loving others on many occasions. WHY? 
Because each and everyone of us need to prepare our hearts to think about & respond to others in love. 
...When we see what Jesus sees, we’ll do what Jesus says.

and you know what Jesus really demonstrated here in the passage we just read... when it comes to loving through service? He demonstrated availability. # 2 is: 

2. Willingness to be interrupted

Go back to the scripture and underline the word “stopped”. Jesus was willing to be interrupted. 
How willing are you to be interrupted? I mean really. When you really think about it. Are you really willing? 
Being interrupted is very inconvenient!

I dont like interruptions do you? This is why its so important to prepare our hearts to really see...
Jesus understood the pain of the 2 blind men. When you and I are willing to interrupted, making ourselves available to others, real love shines! 

Pro. 3:28 “Never tell your neighbors to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now.” 

What might make us unavailable? 

Feeling of Self-importance. or our own agenda, not wanting to stop what we’re doing.

Luke 10:30-31

30In reply Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 

REALLY? That’s amazing to me! One would hope that if anyone was going to walk by you in that situation and ignore you it wouldn’t be someone who claims an affiliation with God! 
But listen to me folks, do we do that? 
Are there people that we work with or a neighbor who are clearly struggling or its obvious they need help that we walk on by.... wait a minute, the story of the good samaritan is a parable right? Soooo... is Jesus trying to show me that I'm the priest? Oh man wait... I think he's talking about me passing by all those people I've passed by in life.
What is He saying to you?

Another reason that might make us unavailable...
Feeling of Idealism. 

“If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done.” Eccl. 11:4 

You know what? I believe in the pursuit of excellence. I really do. I believe we should attempt to do things to the best of our ability but I also believe we have a made an idol out of excellence. There are so many people who would say, “If you can’t do it first class, don’t even try.” 
I say ‘practice makes .....(you can finish it right?)........’. I say ‘If at first you don’t succeed......(and here)........’ Everything doesn’t have to be perfect before you pursue it. 
If God only used perfect people who would he ever use!? We all have weakness, faults, failures and limitations. God can use us all. We just have to be willing to be used.  

So we prepare our hearts, we become willing to be interrupted then

Seize the moment and meet the need. 

I have to See the needs of those around me. 
Let the Holy Spirit guide you. (compass) 
1 Corinthians 10:24 “People should be concerned about others and not just about themselves.”

2 points underneath this thought:

  • ASK
you see what Jesus does?  “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked. in v. 32
He stopped then asked. Once we’re willing to stop, to be interrupted we ask the ? How can I help?
In my job as an outside salesman over the years I have met some unhappy customers, for whatever reason, usually company related they are not pleased. And since I'm the face of the company guess who gets to hear about it.... yep, me. So over the years I've learned a very important phrase, I ask “what do you want?" - asking that question immediately calms them down and we can continue on from there.

  • Do It 
This is real love, this is what stands out. Hey in most cases, its not the thought that matters - you trackin w/ me? Its meeting the need that stands out - thats being people who are known by love.

Pro. 3:27-28 “Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God’s hand for that person. Don’t tell your neighbor, "Maybe some other time," or, "Try me tomorrow,".  (MSG)

Small acts of ministry can be so significant. Real servants do every task with equal dedication because they know it all matters.
They are all important. God knows that you have something to give that will make a difference. 

HB 6:10 “He will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

4. Spend what it takes. 
Gal. 6:10 “Whenever we have the opportunity, we have to do what is good for everyone, especially for the family of believers.” 

There is always a cost to being kind and serving others. But its worth it. It’s worth it to be that voice of hope. 
Jesus had an agenda. If you pull back & look at this from 30,000 ft. The Big picture here. 
Jesus knows that stopping here for these 2 men is slowing Him down, He only has 3yrs of teaching, healing, mentoring, doing the miraculous, he’s on a tight schedule, so there’s a cost to the interruption.
The same is true in our lives. But Jesus knew it was worth it. He knew the disciples needed to see this.
For you and I to be people who are known by love and a voice of hope its worth it.
and people will see it :)

So How do we love & serve like Jesus?
Prepare your heart to serve, be willing to be interrupted, see the need & meet it, & spend whatever it takes. 
When we do that.... we’re operating in this 2nd APP “Loving our neighbors as we love ourselves” 

To watch this message video click here 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The 5 APPs given to us... #1 - WORSHIP

In todays information age of technology theres an app for just about anything you can think of... the good the bad and the ridiculous...
I mean you name it and theres probably app... Meaning application that will help you discover whatever it is your searching for.

In this series we are going to look at the greatest applications given to us by God’s Word - more specifically in the words of Jesus Christ.
The apps were gonna look at revolve around you and I as part of the church - literally instructions/applications God has given the church. He’s given to you n I to advance His Kingdom.

“'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."  Matt. 22:36-40

“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19-20

Five Applications/Instructions For the Church

“Love God with all your heart”  - Worship

Now I know when i say the word worship and you saw when you came in that today is about worship - immediately our thoughts go to this churchified mindset, primarily religious connotations. I wonder what’s the 1st word that pops into your mind?
Our Tendency to lean towards formal religious kind of stuff - singing, prayer, church service... maybe something like this
(video - Mr. Bean goes to church)

Some people quite comfortable w/ that - they understand it, grew up in it, like the man next to Mr. Bean.
For others it’s a very Mr. Bean type scenario that’s foreign and uncomfortable and maybe disconnect. Worship, “That’s not me, that’s not about everyday life, it’s maybe something I can squeeze in an hour on the weekend.”

What I’m NOT going to talk about is adding more spiritual activity -
ultimately I don’t believe that’s the primary goal of worship.
Singing and prayer and other activities are an important component of worship but it’s a very small portion of it - Worship is much more than religious or spiritual activities.
You see worship can include a vast # of act. you’re already doing day after day -

Worship all depends on mindset and heart attitude.
Instead of defining it as activity, what if worship meant being a better employee, boss, spouse, parent, friend, butcher, baker, candlestick maker - what if worship meant everything we do, even the mundane, mow the lawn, do the laundry,
answer email, meet deadlines.
What would happen if worship could enter into my everyday life and change my life?
Worship is way of Life

Now worship is primarily for God and we give it to God, not to get anything back, but b/c He is worthy and b/c God is sooo good and in that it changes us. Through worship our hearts are filled w/ joy, we become grateful for what we have, we become more confident b/c we are loved just as we are and assured of that. In worship I remember I am not alone, God is w/ me and that creates new levels of peace, comfort and security. I am humbled in God’s greatness, I realize it’s not all about me - remember, I’m not talking about just singing here, it’s a way of life - here’s what i noticed - when I don’t worship I get attitude problems, I become anxious about tomorrow and other stuff, I envy other people and what they have, I get this sense of entitlement that destroys gratitude and I think you get the picture - you see we were made to worship - and it’s alot bigger than maybe we thought it was.
We’re going to unpack 1 scripture that’s really going expand the traditional mindset we have of worship - Romans 12:1
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship.”
I love the Message translation - “So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life 
and place it before God as an offering." Romans 12:1 (MSG)
That is worship.

That tells me worship is a way of life, it means when I get up in the morning, worship is when I eat breakfast, and going to work, laughing w/ friends, playing w/ my kids, and dealing w/ difficult situations, it’s way of life. (gona come back to that)
That’s the summary of what Paul is saying in Romans 12:1
Now he breaks it down w/ 2 ideas - here’s the 1st one

He says, “in view of God’s mercy”
Worship is a new perspective I view life from

If I could describe worship w/ 1 word it would be perspective.
We all know perspective can change everything.
I have a letter here from a young college girl writing to her parents:
Dear Mom and Dad,
Just thought I'd drop you a note to clue you in on my plans. I've fallen in love with a guy named Jim. He quit high school after grade eleven to get married. About a year ago he got a divorce.
We've been going steady for two months and plan to get married in the fall. Until then, I've decided to move into his apartment (I think I might be pregnant).
At any rate, I dropped out of school last week, although I'd like to finish college sometime in the future. 
Your loving daughter
P.S. Mom and Dad, I just want you to know that everything I've written so far in this letter is false. NONE of it is true. But, 
I did flunk Chemistry - I just wanted you to keep it in 

Perspective can change everything.
Perspective changes the way we see something, when we see something differently it profoundly changes the way we react to it. (like glasses - w/out blurry, w/ clear)

We have all seen people face very similar circumstances that were difficult and one person got bitter about it while another got better.
One person says, “I’m the victim, everything’s going wrong, and nothing is good”, yet the other found a way to find hope in it.
To find opportunity in the challenge. What’s the difference -

Worship is a new Perspective
Jesus didn’t come to give us a new religion, He came to create in us a new perspective, He said, “If you live according to my teachings, it’s like having a house that’s built on a firm foundation and it will withstand the storms.” 
He helped change our perspective - that there is a loving Father who longs to be w/ you -
a relationship w/ you.
How does this happen? this new perspective -
“I have set the Lord continually before me.” - Psalm 16:8 NAS

That’s profound, that’s the goal. that’s the perspective of worship. That doesn’t mean I sit in lotus position all day chanting scripture and hymns.
It means through all the activities of my day, I try to develop this way of bringing my mind back to God’s goodness, greatness, faithfulness - I become aware again and mindful again on purpose. (God compass)
Some may say, "no way, can’t do it" - we do it all the time - phone conversation w/ one person yet simultaneously you’re thinking about another convo. or...
you walk in home from work, play w/ kids, yet not really there b/c mind is thinking about project needs to be done at work.
or... at work typing on computer, but not there, thinking about lunch.

We do this all the time, kinda 2 places at once. So instead of drifting, instead of wandering mindlessly into another place - like, you ever read a page or article & get to bottom and have no idea what you just read? - ever sit in a room listening to someone speak then realize later you have no idea what they were saying, ....are you doing that now?
it’s like we kinda do life on auto pilot, just drift - this mindlessness is totally fatal to my experience w/ God. I find myself stressed, fatigued, tense....

We are can purposely draw ourselves back to God. The God Compass. To keep Him continually b4 us - it’s a lifestyle of worship, we live and act and work and play from this God perspective. (ask the Holy Spirit to keep us aligned)

“in view of God’s mercy” getting a new view, perspective

“Take your everyday, ordinary life … and place it before God as an offering.”
Worship is a lifestyle that includes every area of my life.

‘Take your everyday life’ - it’s a lifestyle and you place all it b4 God - he repeats this in - Colossians 3:23
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people.”
This is revolutionary stuff guys, look at ‘whatever’ underline that. That word in the greek, whatever, you know what it means... whatever.
You see he’s not saying, when you pray or when you do
religious activities - no, whatever you do - he says it again
- 1 Corinthians 10:31 "whether you eat or drink (all the ordinary and mundane of life) or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." - its a lifestyle that includes EVERY AREA of life. you see that?
Now there's some ethical boundaries - can’t say, I’m gonna hot wire a car for Your glory Lord” - you can't go all Walter White and say, "I'm gonna set meth for your glory Lord."
But the vast majority of the stuff we do can be an act of worship.

Think about your vocation for a minute, col. 3:23 - you get this and you’re headed down God’s path.
In life it’s not what you do that matters;  it is who you do it for.

God is not into what you do for a living, it doesn’t matter if you’re a truck driver, CPA, student, or Pro football player - His 1st concern is, “are you doing it for ME?”
Here’s a thought - If Jesus were to show up at your work dressed for the same job, would things go differently?

We can learn a thing or 2 from Jesus, even in the workplace.
Mark 6:2-3  - “When the Sabbath came, He began to teach in the 
synagogue, and many who heard Him were amazed. 
"Where did this man get these things?" they asked.
"What's this wisdom that has been given Him, that He even does miracles! Isn't this the carpenter?” -
Yes He was. That’s what most people knew Him as.

Remember, maybe youve read at His baptism w/ John the baptist & the dove & the Voice from heaven, which was Father God saying, “this is my servant whom I am well pleased.”
Pleased w/ what? Not His preaching, He hadn’t started that yet - what was Father God talking about? ...Jesus has been in the carpentry shop for about 20 yrs. now making chairs, making tables - Father God was saying He’s just as much in my will there as He will be teaching and preaching.

How do you think Jesus was at work? Do you think He did lousy work? Do you think He was ever ticked at His boss, “Man, working for Joseph really stinks” Do you think He ever bad mouthed other employees? “James you’re a lousy bum!”
How do you think He did His work?
Jesus is our model. A christian is to be Christ-like.
So much so that Father God is pleased with us even on the job - not just on Sunday. God is not saying, “I sure am happy Joe goes to church every Sunday” - You know why?
B/c worship is a lifestyle that includes every area of my life.
That’s what pleases Him, offering my life (every part of it) as a living sacrifice.
That’s worship. That’s what God wants... from me and you...

So worship is new perspective I view life from & a lifestyle that includes every area life

Discussion Questions:
• Which part of the day do you find the hardest to share with God?
• What is one thing you can do to be intentional about keeping the flow of thoughts upward during that part of the day?

• What can I do to take my everyday work and place it before God as an offering or worship?
• If Jesus were to show up in my workplace looking just like me,what would the execution of my job look like? What adjustments would He make? Where am I getting it right?

To watch/listen to message in it's entirety click here: 1st APP - Worship  

Monday, December 30, 2013

Year End Reflection - 10 Great Questions to launch into the New Year

Today is the last Sunday of 2013 - cliche how fast a year goes by. Regardless of how fast the years seem to go by we all know they are each alike in their time, nothing is different from this past year as in years past in regards to their timing but what occurs in each year is often very, very different.
Including the unexpected. 
And we would be wise - very wise people to take a few moments, maybe hours, maybe days to STOP & reflect on the past year. To take the time to recognize ‘what is different’? from this year vs. years past. And when we do that, when we take the time, I mean really stop & ponder, it benefits us greatly.

This is something I do each and every year (I typically go away by myself for a day or so) and reflect and in that process allow God the Holy Spirit to speak to me. Which helps lead me into the upcoming year.
So this morning I wanted to share some of my questions I ask to help me along in the process and believe it will be helpful to you as well. If you take the time….

1 My son, if you accept my words, and store up my commands within you, 2 turning your ear to wisdom, and applying your heart to understanding, 3 and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, 4 and if you look for it as for silver, and search for it as for hidden treasure, 5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. 6 For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. 7 He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, 8 for he guards the course of the just, and protects the way of his faithful ones. 9 Then you will understand what is right and just and fair-every good path. 10 For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. 11 Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you. Proverbs 2: 1-11

All of us need Godly wisdom, and Proverbs chapter two gets you thinking on the right path. Wisdom is like silver and we are instructed to search for it like hidden treasure. With that kind of fervor, that kind of pursuit… And God grants favor for those who walk with Him, and protects the path of those who seek Him. 

We just completed the Christmas holiday. It's a busy time -- I know. So now with that behind us, I urge you to take a couple hours and think through these questions. As you do that, get out your laptop or tablet and jot down a few notes. I promise it will be worth it if you will act on the wisdom you gain. Here's a helpful hint. Don't try to write pages and pages. Write as concisely as you can, even bullet points are great. It’s the KISS technique - Keep it simple stupid. The purpose is to evaluate your life in 2013 so you experience an even greater 2014.

Ten Great Questions: 

1. What are several of your most meaningful achievements and success stories this year? 
This is a great way to start. Make a list of the things God helped you achieve this year that you're most enthusiastic about. Express your gratitude to God and write a few notes of thanks to those who helped you. Reflect on which of your successes were things you planned and which were things God seemed to surprise you with. (Hannah, Jan, Conners)

2. What do you need to stop doing? 
This is one of my big questions every year. It's a tough one! And the truth is, if you're growing and taking new territory, you have to let go of some things in order to keep moving forward. It could be things like worry, or time in front of the TV or computer, or your work schedule or it could be your diet and specific food or drinks (God wants us to move forward w/ His plans He has for us)  - which of these would be wise to stop doing? Or at least do much less of?  And if you need some help accomplishing the items you want to stop doing, maybe you could employ this company (slap vid)

3. What do you need to start doing?
You probably already know exactly what you need to start or restart in 2014. Perhaps you need to be consistent with exercise, or pray with your spouse, or be faithful to your day off, or study and read more scripture. Or join one of those teams I mentioned earlier. Let me encourage you to list no more than three things. Any more may ensure that none of them happen. Keep your list short! 

4. What are two or three mistakes you made this year? 
If you made a mistake or two of consequence, take heart that means you are actually trying! The important thing is to know what you learned from that mistake. Listen folks, We can make mistakes, make lots of mistakes, even make a big mistake. but never make the same mistake twice! Why? Because if you do you are not learning! 
I can look back at 2013 and see a # of mistakes I’ve made… w/ my wife, my children, in leading this church. The important thing for me is that I learn from those and continue to move forward.

5. Is there any regret you need to tend to?

This usually boils down to people. In what condition are your primary relationships? Are there any misunderstandings that need to be corrected? Is there someone you need to forgive? Do you need to ask forgiveness? Perhaps your relationships are in great shape. Good! Was there a special project that you really need and want to finish but you didn't? The idea behind this question is to identify any regret that you can do something about, and do it soon... Watch this…. 

Ofcourse Oskar Schindler accomplished a great deal… what I want you to see this morning is the ‘regret’ he felt. He wanted to accomplish more… is that kind of fire w/in you?

6. What is the last thing God said to you? 
This is huge folks. It’s of the upmost importance. How does God speak to you? When does He seem to speak to you most often? For me, God consistently speaks to me while I am out walking, I call them, “Walk n Talks”.  Or when I’m alone late at night in my backyard. What is God's fresh Word to you? Are you listening? Are you obeying? Are you enjoying your life with God? If you are more distant from God than you would like, how can you remedy that? Here's a helpful tip, don't make it complicated. Sometimes when I pray, and I don't know what to pray, or I don't feel connected, I just sit with God! I'm in my little prayer room, Bible open, with no pressure to perform. I'm simply in His presence. What is the last thing God said to you?
Let me add this, if your answer to this question is "I dont when the last time was God spoke to me" - then how are you going to remedy that in 2014?

7. In what ways do you need to better love and care for your family? 
This is very personal and that's probably why it's so important. This is essential, but it never trumps your personal life. The character and quality of your personal life determines the character and quality of your professional & family life. It's never the other way around. I suggest you consider the little things. At work we often talk of the "big priorities" but at home, it's often the little things that make the big difference. How might you be more loving at home? How might you serve your family better? 
*Focus on what you give, not on what you don't get. You will never be unhappy with that choice. 

8. What one or two areas do you want to improve in personally in 2014? 
This is sometimes tough to see and measure. You may need to ask a trusted friend or two who knows you well. Candidly, if you haven't been working on something specific this year, it is unlikely you will notice any specific improvement. Get some wise counsel and focus in on a very short list of areas to improve this coming year.  
Hey if you’re married, ask your spouse, and if you have children, they’ll tell you where you can improve :)

9. What are the top five to seven things you hope to achieve in 2014? 
What would you like to accomplish? What does your boss want you to accomplish? What would your family like to experience from you? Dream big but don't get overwhelmed. It's easy to make a list of 29 things and we both know you won't do all that. Narrow it down, make the list count. Don't make the list in a vacuum, talk with the key people in your life. Be sure to have at least one thing that is personal. Maybe write a book, or knock five strokes off your golf game, or learn to play the piano! 
Make a list of a few items you want to achieve in this upcoming year and then put a plan in place to accomplish those.

10. How can you be a better leader in 2014?
This is a big one for me. I always want to be improving as a leader. So I read books, listen to podcasts, go to seminars. Here’s the deal folks… I believe everybody is a leader, the question is, Are you a good one? A husband to his wife, a parent to their children, an older child to their brother or sisters, to your workmates, classmates, friends, family, in ministry be it a church or another organization… are you a good leader in those arenas?

And… let me get spiritual here with you… every Christ follower is called to lead. 
Every believer. Called folks. Not just the clergy, not just the people you see working on stage or behind the scenes of the church. Every Christ follower. Called.
Look at what Peter says in his first letter...
 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Pt. 2:9
Royal priesthood refers to our leadership in this world. And that we are to “declare” - that takes courage, boldness, leadership.-

And Paul to the Corinthian believers...
“So we are Christ's ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ…”
2 Cor. 5:20

You are an ambassador, you are Christ’s representative to everybody else surrounding you…

So How can you be a better leader in 2014? 

there are many more questions you could ask yourself. But I promise that if you will answer these ten, the likelihood of your 2014 being significantly stronger just went up exponentially! 

Do you want to see a better year? I believe you do… 

watch and or listen to message taught at Focus Church:

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Surprise Birthday Gift this December

For those of you who have ever heard my wife Cathleen talk about her father's gift giving during Christmas and other times.... you'll love this story :)

Basically the story goes, her father wasn't crazy about Christmas gift giving when he was a child because he grew up in a poor household that included 9 children.
As an adult with his own wife and children he began to love giving them gifts.... he couldn't wait to see the joy on the faces of those he gave to.

Cathleen shares that if you're sitting next to him while somebody else is opening a gift he got for them, he will nudge you and say, "Watch this... they're gonna love this..."
Here's a audio/video link of Cathleen giving more detail:
God Doesn't Give White Elephant Gifts

It happened to me tonight!
Cathleen's Birthday is Dec. 21st - Her parents got to town today (23rd) and it was time for Cathleen to open her birthday presents.
I was sitting next to Jim (Cathleen's father) as she began to unwrap his gift.... almost right on queue he leaned over to me and whispered, "She's gonna love this".

As she opened the gift (which it took a while because he also wrapped it, not well) she looked at amazement then took this long gasp....
Her amazement turned to a smile... then tears starting welling up in her eyes as she spoke in a shaky tearful tone, "Where did you find this?"
Her parents answered her.
What was it?

It was her father's handprint that he had made in school - Kindergarten to be exact, he was 6yrs old, it was 1952.

There was a time that Cathleen owned this handprint. She cherished it.
Until..... She accidentally threw it away about 15yrs ago....or so she thought.
It broke her heart to think she had done that. She was truly saddened after (the thought of) accidentally tossing this special family memory in the dumpster.

So when she opened that gift of her fathers handprint today from when he was a child, the one she thought she'd thrown away, now incased in a shadowbox, tears of joy began to flow.

It was a sweet, sweet scene. And the words that her father whispered to me right before she opened it couldn't be more true.....  "She's gonna love this".

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"It's the Holidays GET OUT OF MY WAY!"

Oh how we love the Holiday Season :)
It's a time excitement, laughter, anticipation & joy.... Christmas parties full of fun, family members visiting, big feasts, we sing along with Andy Williams....

"It's the most wonderful time of the year 
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you "Be of good cheer" 
It's the most wonderful time (big finish) of the year"

You sang along too right?
It doesnt take long for us to forget all this wonderful stuff this time of the year...
Just hop in your car the before Thanksgiving or the day after Thanksgiving and you'll see.
There always seems to be more cars on the road doesnt there? With horns honking at each each other because the vehicle in front of them didnt move fast enough at the light changing green. The parking lots are packed, be it a grocery store or the mall. You're driving up and down aisles getting more and more agitated with every turn, with every parking spot that appears to be open only to find that its smaller car in that slot... uuugggghhhhhh.

When that spot comes open pray there isnt another car trying to get that same spot as you... watch out! Yelling, posturing inside your own vehicle for the space, "I was here first!"
Then inside the store. Jam packed with people and carts and baby strollers and young children seemingly with zero self control and the parents have given up at this point.
The check out lines grow and grow every second you continue to shop.... so the rush is on, "gotta get done, gotta get done" fast so we can come to an abrupt stop waiting in that line ourselves.
Then the person ahead of you in line has 162 items to buy... uuuggggghhh.
Then they start bickering about the price of one of those 162 items. "Price Check needed at the register" is called out over the loud speaker.... uuuugggghhhh!

What happened to the magic of the season? Why are we scoffing and rolling our eyes at other people this time of the year more than any other it seems? How come nobody is approaching me this 'hap happiest season of all' smiling and saying "Be of good cheer"?

We just get caught up in the craziness of the season, so we can sit down at the Thanksgiving feast or relax during the unwrapping session Christmas morning and all is well.
But getting there, getting to that moment can get pretty ugly during the most wonderful time of the year.

So how about this...
What if you and I purpose to be different this year.
What if we decide, right now not to get grumpy. Not to roll our eyes at others... choose not to get frustrated with everyone else and all that is happening in the scurry?

Choose to be different..... aaahhhhhh... the separator. To be different than those of the world.
Jesus said,  “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34,35

Love others. This is the separator. So what if during those crazy, insane moments of the holiday season, if we didnt fall into the rhythm of everyone else but chose to love, be kind, allow the fruit of the Spirit to dominate in your life..... then people will know.
They will know somethings different. You are different from others.
What comes of that is up to God. That's His deal. He just tells us to love them.

So this holiday season, give up the parking spot, give up your place in line, ask how you can help the single parent with 3 kids running around and any other opportunities that could arise... take them!

Show them how you're different :)

"Be of good cheer"

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Halloween Hope - "Don't Turn Out the Lights!"

Since Halloween is only a week away I thought it was a good time share these thoughts from 2011.... we have an opportunity here folks.....

This time of year is unlike any other in many respects. Every shopping center and grocery store is filled with all sorts of candy, costumes and colorful decorations. Halloween night children will parade up and down the streets disguised as their favorite characters chanting “Trick or Treat” and hold out plastic bags or molded plastic pumpkins in hopes of collecting vast amounts of candy. This will, of course, result in a stomach ache the next day and some may miss school. (watch this vid)

For Christians, Halloween is perhaps the most difficult holiday with which to deal. Its darker side is so disconcerting, yet it holds a bit of charm for us as we remember our own childhood experiences with the day. A myriad of questions surround Halloween. Should we participate? Accommodate? Or vigorously denounce Halloween?

When I first researched Halloween I discovered hundreds of web-sites with articles, sermons, or editorials condemning the observance of this holiday. In fact, many Christians have taken a very strong stance in opposition to Halloween on the grounds that it supports Satan-worship and pagan gods. This places many people, especially those with children, in an uncomfortable position. How should we, as Christians, respond to this holiday? Is it sinful and evil or just fun and games? Is it a problem or a potential opportunity? To answer such questions, it’s helpful to view Halloween from the perspective of history. So let’s begin with a…


First, we ought to recognize that the American celebration of Halloween draws heavily from Scottish and Irish folk customs that can be directly traced to pre-Christian times and is indeed rooted in the ancient Celtic feast of Samhain (sah-ween). Although modern Halloweens can be viewed as nights of rollicking fun and eerie games, its pagan beginnings were not so innocent.

Originally, Halloween was a celebration of the Druids in honor of Samhain, whom they believed to be the Lord of the Dead, and whose festival fell on November 1st.

The Druids believed that on the eve of this festival, Samhain, the Lord of the Dead, called together the wicked souls that within the past 12 months had been condemned to inhabit the bodies of animals. The veil, they believed, between the present world and the spirit world, or the world beyond, was pierced, releasing the dead to harass the living. 

Interestingly, they thought that the cat was sacred because they thought that cats, especially black cats, had once been human beings whose spirits were transferred into the cat as a punishment for their evil deeds—which makes you wonder why they were sacred :)

There was a prevailing belief among many nations that at death the souls of good people were taken by good spirits and carried to paradise, but the souls of wicked men were left to wander in the space between the earth and the moon, or consigned to inhabit animals. Typically, the Druids believed that on this one night of the year, the eve of the Samhain festival, the spirits of the dead returned to their original homes along with other ghosts and goblins.

In order to protect themselves or make themselves immune to the attacking dead spirits, people disguised themselves as goblins, and ghouls—from wince we derived the custom of wearing costumes for Halloween. They also attempted to ward off evil spirits by carving scary and grotesque faces on various gourds illuminated with candles (including pumpkins, of course). 
In order to pacify the evil spirits they offered a variety of treats—fruits, vegetables, and other types of food usually. If the dead were satisfied, it was believed they would leave you in peace. But if they were not satisfied—if you didn’t offer any treats or your offering wasn’t good enough—the ghosts would trick you by casting a spell on you and reeking havoc in your home. Thus the tradition of “trick or treat” was born.

Despite its sinister origins, however, I think we can learn a lot from how the early Christians responded to this Samhain festival. As Chrsitianity spread throughout the Roman Empire and Europe, many pagans and even Druids converted to Christianity, but they were still very superstitious. They didn’t have Bibles back then and most of them were illiterate anyway. So, without proper education, many of these new believers brought their old superstitions with them into the church—including their belief in ghosts and goblins.

In order to establish a rival celebration and to better educate new believers, the church designated November 1st as All Saints Day. Rather than fearing the onslaught of evil spirits who had been condemned during the course of the year, All Saints Day celebrated and honored all the saints, or martyrs, who had died that year. The mass held the evening prior to All Saints Day was called All Hallowmas. And October 31st itself became known as All Hallow E’en (Halloween). Literally then, the word Halloween means Holy Evening. Thus, All Hallows Eve was an attempt on the part of Christianity to overwhelm the tradition of ghouls with the truth of the gospel! So, with this historical perspective on Halloween in mind, let’s get a…


Obviously, you can’t look up the word Halloween in a concordance and expect to find a Scripture reference to it, but there is one passage of Scripture that is very relevant to the subject.

“Accept into your group someone who is weak in faith, and do not argue about opinions. One person believes it is right to eat all kinds of food. But another, who is weak, believes it is right to eat only vegetables. The one who knows that it is right to eat any kind of food must not reject the one who eats only vegetables. And the person who eats only vegetables must not think that the one who eats all foods is wrong, because God has accepted that person. You cannot judge another person’s servant. The master decides if the servant is doing well or not. And the Lord’s servant will do well because the Lord helps him do well.

Some think that one day is more important than another, and others think that every day is the same. Let all be sure in their own mind. Those who think one day is more important than other days are doing that for the Lord. And those who eat all kinds of food are doing that for the Lord, and they give thanks to God. Others who refuse to eat some foods do that for the Lord, and they give thanks to God. We do not live or die for ourselves. If we live, we are living for the Lord, and if we die, we are dying for the Lord. So living or dying, we belong to the Lord.” (Romans 14:1-8 NCV)

The Apostle Paul addresses two specific issues here that are relevant to Halloween—meat that had been sacrificed to pagan gods and holidays.

First, there were many new Christians who, as I mentioned earlier, brought their old superstitious beliefs with them when they became Christians. Some, who had converted from paganism, even though they had accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savoir, still believed in the gods of Roman and Greek mythology. Therefore, they refused to eat any meat that had been sacrificed to those gods because they saw it as a form of worshipping those old gods. Other Christians, who were more mature in their faith, realized that gods such as Zeus or Hermes or Athena didn’t even really exist—they’re just myths and fairy tales. Therefore, they had no problem eating meat because they knew those gods arent  even real.

Furthermore, some Christians wanted to celebrate special days or holidays, such as the Passover or other Jewish celebrations, while other Christians believed that every day was the same and there is no need to celebrate a holiday (or holy day) unless God specifically commanded us to do so.

To all of these Christians, Paul says, “warmly welcome each other into the church, just as Christ has warmly welcomed you; then God will be glorified” (Romans 15:7 TLB).

Now, if we take these two examples and put them together, we get a clear Biblical perspective on the controversy over Halloween. Halloween is a holiday (holy day) that was once dedicated to a pagan god. Some people understand there is no such thing as ghosts or goblins and have no problem participating in the modern celebration. Others believe that Halloween’s dubious origins make it something in which Christians should not be involved. 
I believe Paul would tell us exactly what he told the Romans—if it bothers your conscience, then don’t participate; if, on the other hand, you can celebrate Halloween in a way that honors and glorifies God—like the early Christians did—then go for it! Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. 

Don’t forget that both Christmas and Easter have their origins in lascivious pagan festivals as well. That doesn’t, however, prevent Christians from captivating their children with tales about Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny. Halloween is no different. Just because it centers on themes of Halloween rather than furry woodland creatures and jolly fat men doesn’t put it in some other category—as long as we understand the difference between reality and fantasy and we communicate that difference to our children.

We are encouraged to use holidays such as Easter and Christmas as opportunities for outreach, and, personally, I would suggest the same thing for Halloween. So, understanding the historical and biblical perspective let me share a…


In my opinion, the worst thing Christians can do on Halloween is turn off the lights, lock the door and pretend no one is home. Jesus said that his purpose in coming to earth was to “seek and save the lost.” That’s our mission too. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Let your lights shine before men in such a way that they will see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16 NASB).

So let’s heed the words of our Lord and Savior and let our lights shine—both our spiritual lights and porch lights—on a day that is typically known for its darkness. How can we use Halloween as a way to glorify God?

1. Don’t turn out the lights and ignore it. Halloween won’t go away. So if you don’t support this holiday, determine to turn a negative into a positive.
2. If you’re staying home: buy some candy, answer the door and when you put candy in the children’s bags include some information about the church.
3. Instead of playing scary music, play Christian music really loud.
4. Buy a pumpkin and carve a cross in it, placing a candle inside to symbolize that Jesus is the light of the world.
5. PRAY! Pray for the safety of the children who will be out on that night, but more importantly pray that the Gospel will go out that night as well—and that through God’s word some lost soul might come to know Jesus. 

Here's what we do every year at our home. We set up a cookie decorating table out in our front yard. Just some sugar cookies, some icing and few sprinkles. Believe me... kids LOVE decorating cookies (and then eating them right away)
As a matter of fact parents have told us how much their children look forward to going to "Cookie Decorating House". That's special to us.
We also have a TV out front paying a Veggie Tales cartoon about 'what to do when I'm scared' or we have another cartoon video titled "Monsters & Me" starring Toby and how Jesus helps him when he's scared.
Kids love sitting in front of that TV watching the show. We love that it's displaying a great, God honoring message. This year instead of a TV we're gonna put up a Big Projector Screen and enlarge the show :)

Now here's the real story behind this....
Think about all the neighbors who live in your neighborhood that you've never had any contact with at all or maybe just a wave as you pass by in your car. Neighbors 10 houses down, four streets over, maybe on the complete opposite side of the neighborhood. 
We just don't get opportunities to develop relationships with any of them or even meet them all of them because there are so many.
But on Halloween they are all coming over to your house. They're showing up at your doorstep - you didnt even invite them. They just come.
So what are you going to do with this opportunity to be a light to your neighbor. How can you share the LOVE of Christ with all these people showing up at your house.
Do you see how great this is? 
Cathleen and I revel in the opportunity to begin discussions with so many parents of these children and the fact that they are decoration cookies and watching the cartoon gives us ample time to talk. And we have had some wonderful God discussions on Halloween night.
And that my friends is what it's all about.

What could you do to Advance the Kingdom of God on Halloween night?

Watch Pastor Joe Parks teach this message at Focus Church: The Halloween HOPE