Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sensing God wherever you are

Sequoia National Forest 
As the Summer season nears it makes me wonder of the plans, vacations, getaways, etc... that you can plan throughout this season. The children are home, usually bored out of their mind looking for something to do. So some sort of family time away together can be a whole lot of fun and maybe necessary :)
It reminds me of our big family summer vacation last year.
It was one of those bittersweet adventures.
We left together as our family of four but only 3 of us returned.
Our oldest daughter stayed in California for her 1st year of college.
The 2 week vacation included a ton of fun but closed with a very tearful goodbye as Jessica stayed in her dorm room.
The week prior in our California vacation while we were still all together we spent 4 days at Sequoia National Park. It was a wonderful time of relaxing together and some time away from the world.... literally.
There was no cell service where we were. Hence no internet which created a fantastic reality of "unplugging".
During those days I began each morning with a walk by myself through the forest and along the creek trails.
At one point of each walk I would climb over some rocks within the creek to place myself right in the middle sitting atop a rock while the water was running through the cracks and crevices and over the top of smaller rocks creating a soothing, very pleasant and peaceful sound.
I would sit there with my eyes closed listening to that sound near me and echoing through the forest. Along with other birds and wildlife all around me.
I just sat there focused on God and reflecting as I listened.
I really like those times, those places. They are so peaceful, so encouraging and revitalizing.
I'd imagine you feel the same way.

As I lingered reflecting, hearing the bubbling of the water, in some places it hurried over rocks then trickled slowly through a pool of water. Everywhere it was moving forward, sometimes loudly sometimes like a quiet undercurrent.
Gods Spirit moves similarly in our lives. At times Gods presence is audible and obvious and many times He is the quiet current moving through our lives revitalizing us.
Whether bold or noisy, hushed or subtle, the Spirit is always there if we pause long enough to listen.
No matter where you are.

So here's a thought:
Stop and listen to the sounds around you right now. What do you hear? Traffic? Nature? People?
Reflect on how they display and express Gods presence in your life today.

"If anyone believes in me, rivers of living water will flow out from that person’s heart, as the Scripture says.”  John 7:38

Holy Spirit, thank you for Your presence and Your movement through my life.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Are you pursuing Convenience or Consistency?

Talk is cheap isn't it? Think about how many resolutions are made and broken and weeks of the initial commitment. We all have good intentions, but somehow our resolve fades over time and we fall back into our failed patterns of behavior that has robbed us of the fullness of life Jesus came to give. 
So what do we do......
As we tackle this new challenge, as we pursue a deep relationship with God and abundant faith, we do it with our eyes on the prize. Our goals nor godliness never happens by accident. 

Daniel and his friends Hanniah, Mishael and Azariah were Israelites from the royal family. They were handsome, bright and quick to learn. They were considered the best of the best. And the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar wanted them; he put them into his training program designed to fully indoctrinate them into the ways and culture of Babylon.
The culture was attractive and enticing. It appealed to one's desire for success, sensuality, self-indulgence and status. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Even though Daniel was surrounded by the allure of this culture, he resisted it's pull & remained true to God. He would not eat the Royal food offered to idols.
Lesser men would've crumbled under the pressure, but not Daniel. This decision to follow God was not one of convenience. It was a matter of consistency and loyalty. 
The decision to pursue God, to grow spiritual roots to walk with God in a personal way requires resolve. Not the kind of resolve that is broken by excuses or obstacles. 

And the great truth here is that it actually feels good to take a stand and do things differently. It produces courage, especially when you know that you have stood with God. And this courage then grows into an even greater resolve to follow through, overcome challenges and stay the course.

So with Daniel as our example I have a couple of questions for. Take your time and think through them, answer them and act on the resolve:

1. What actions can you take to do things differently than everybody else?
2. What are common ways that you give into the pressure of those around you? With food? With lifestyle?

For more of "small things, BIG Difference" go to to see the schedule which begins Sunday, May 18

Friday, May 09, 2014

Hearing God in your hurried pace of life

  Sometimes the hectic pace of life is deafening. The alarms sounds, the day starts and we hit the ground running. The thought of taking time to enter our day on our knees is almost uncomfortable because the list of our "to dos" is waiting...., the clock is ticking, and the schedule has begun.
We race from one activity to the next and maybe, just maybe, in this hurried state we think to ask God to bless our work, to be with us,.... to keep up.
We reason that God will understand because He knows the mountain of responsibilities that we face. But its IMPOSSIBLE to hear God in the chaos of life.
Elijah, one of God's great prophets, experienced this firsthand. He was used to hearing God in a personal way. God spoke to him in the quiet moments when he wasn't distracted.
A great and powerful wind came, but God wasn't in the wind. Then came an earthquake and fire, but God was not in there either. A gentle whisper came, and Elijah heard His voice.

 I wonder if most of the time we just plain miss His presence because we don't slow down long enough or get quiet enough to hear. In Psalm 46:10 we are told to "Be still and know that I am God."
Sometimes we expect God to be more obvious. We want Him to give us a sign. But God wants us to train our ear to hear His voice. He wants us to unplug... unplug from the email, the voicemail, the TV, whatever mobil device we bury our face into and actually APPRECIATE SILENCE.
He wants our undivided attention so He can bring real TRANSFORMATION from the inside out.
So how does that look for you? Are you running a frantic race day in and day out? Feeling worn out and exhausted? Or... do you find yourself refreshed and renewed each day in God's presence?

If you are running the frantic race, my suggestion is to start each day here, in your quiet place, and be still. If you'll listen to His voice He'll speak to your heart through His Word. Let Him probe your conscience and bring things to mind that need to be changed.
He'll encourage you to dig deeper and stay the course.
And you'll see how much easier and better each day becomes.

"There he came to a cave, where he spent the night. But the Lord said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
Elijah replied, “I have zealously served the Lord God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too.”
 “Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the Lord told him. And as Elijah stood there, the Lord passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper." 1 Kings 19:9-12

Listen to or watch the 11 part series, "The Elijah Element" at
Focus Church media page