Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Amazing Night in Lafayette

As I am about to leave LA. gotta tell you about my 1st night - walking out to my car @ 6pm, in the lobby I recognize a man... it's my neighbor 2 doors down - he's on the phone, I say "hi" he says "I need to talk to you, my father-in-law just passed away, he was my best friend" he asked me to come back in 20min. after phone call - when i returned he was outside at a table mourning, sobbing loudly, I walked up put my hand on his shoulder why he continued.... eventually he calmed and I sat at the table with him for about an hour - we talked.... about anything - towards the end he was very appreciative that I sat with him during this difficult time.

How cool is our God!

That 2 neighbors not knowing that each other was going to be in Lafayette at the same hotel at the same time and tragedy strikes one of them who is absolutely alone and by way of the Sovereign God of the Universe, He orchestrates a friend to be in place during a time in need.