Story of attempting High Dive at YMCA
Sometimes it seems that the challenges that lay in front of us
seem so overwhelming and I don’t know about you but I don’t have that natural courage DNA where you just step right out there all the time.
But I do think life has a strange way of putting us on this certain course of action where our only option is to move forward or crawl backwards.
I wander how many of us have found ourselves paralyzed
We hear and read these great stories of human courage and heroism and then we find ourselves in this moment of opportunity and we are paralyzed w/ fear and self-doubt.
Sometimes we think people who live extraordinary lives are made of a different material than us, but the truth of the matter is we’re all made of the same material - it’s what we do with that material that matters.
If our birth is like the sunrise and our death like the sunset, then in-between we’re all just chasing daylight. And one of the characteristics of a person who seizes the power of every moment, who unleashes their full potential of their life
is that they have an ‘Advance Mentality’
They Go until they get a No
and no matter how much self-doubt... fear... or how overwhelmed they are by the obstacles and circumstances,
they still move forward and jump!
This is where Jonathan was, standing on the diving board
1 Sam. 14:6-13
If you’re reading this story with just simple objectivity you’re thinking these guys are insane, what do you mean let them see you?! That’s not really a good idea.
Let’s not do that - let’s attack while their asleep, or drunk, or less motivated - let’s do everything we can to leverage our advantage, let’s use some sort of military strategy.
But not Jonathan - let’s move out of the invisible into the visible, let’s go to the point of no return.
B/c if we’re really going to seize this moment we need to get to a place where only God can see us thru.
And then he adds to the insanity by saying, “If they say stay where you are, then we’ll stay here and die like men.
But if they say, “Come up to us” then that will be sign to us that the Lord has delivered them into out hands.
And that’s what happens - go out - they see- they call them up - and Jon says there it is man, there it is, that’s what we’ve been looking for.
You’re thinking the A.B. must think he’s nuts but not at all -
Jon has this ‘Advance Mentality’ to move forward -
He says, if were called UP into the danger.
You move forward unless God tells you to stop.
You advance unless God tells you to wait.
There are certain things that you do not not need permission to do them. You’ve already been commissioned to do them. There are certain things you do not need a calling to do. You’ve already been commanded to do them.
What are some of those things? (groups)
Much of our religious language has been focused on the don’ts rather than the do’s. In the same way we act as if the primary word from God is stop when it’s actually GO.
By the way, what’s the 1st word of the Great Comm.
Too many divine opportunities are lost b/c we keep waiting for a word when the word has already been given.
For Jon wait was the kiss of death, and come was the sign of God. Wait made much more sense & took much less effort.
Come implied increased effort and danger. Which leads to an important question, ‘What kind of sign are u looking 4?’
Jon was moving forward in alignment w/ the purpose of God, and the challenge to advance was the affirmation of God’s hand and blessing. He wasn’t sitting around waiting for a sign. He moved forward in everything he knew to do.
Remember a couple of weeks ago we talked about, ‘most of the time FAITH is moving forward in what we already know”
remember school dances - getting turned down, or asking for girls phone # and being told no - remember all those times you’ve been turned down or told NO?
I think alot of us have this ‘Spiritual Muscle Memory’ of failures, and disappointments, humiliations, and rejections of the GIANT NO’s of life... and when we enter into this relationship w/ Christ and we try to put all the pieces back together of what our lives are supposed to look like and what it means to follow Christ -
we think God is up there monitoring us saying, NO, NO, NO
But He’s really saying, GO - I want you to move forward.
It’s not about permission, it’s about our mission.
Once you have a mission, you don’t need permission, b/c you have a mandate. God has it built in.
It’s an included upgrade. (ei by the Lord...)
Jon was a taunting Phill. warrior. The only sign he needed was that God’s will be done, and he was in position to do it.
What would happen if we changed our way of thinking?
If we heard the 1st word in the Great Comm., GO, as all the permission we needed to do the will of God.
How would life be different if we worked from a giant YES, rather than a giant NO?
Every Christ follower has the prime directive of representing HIM on this earth. We are all called to be witnesses. We are all commissioned to make disciples. We are given the assignment of serving. We are all commanded to love not only God, but our neighbors as ourselves. (not about, mission)
Ever been stuck in traffic? Maybe in a hurry, running late. There’s just one car in front of you and the light. You’re watching the light with this amazing intensity waiting for it to change from red to green - it seems to take forever, but it does and you let your foot off the brake and are ready to punch the gas when you notice the car in front of you is
totally unaware that she has permission to go.
Instead of looking forward, she is fixed on her own image in the rearview mirror. Remember what you were thinking?
(Don’t say that out loud) ‘Move lady, you waiting for me to turn green?’ ‘It doesn’t get any greener than this’
Do you ever wander if that’s what God is thinking about us sometimes?
B/c sometimes we waste precious time, precious moments, extraordinary opportunities b/c we keep waiting for God to invite us when He has already made it quite clear to GO.
In the whole description of this battle, there’s got to be one verse that’s so important, so critical there’s no way it could be omitted from the scriptures.
I know sometimes this Book seems really big, but if you think about it, if this is the primary document of God’s conversation w/ humanity it’s really small - so every line, every verse,
every space, every word would be so important.
So then you have v.13 - one of the most profound and insightful verses in all the bible -
“Jonathan climbed up, using his hands and feet”
That’s really helpful, aren’t you glad God took space up to tell us that? You know b/c w/out that I would’ve imagined Jon
climbed up using his upper lip.
“Jonathan climbed up, using his hands and feet”
Thank you Samuel, that was very important -
or well maybe it is?
When we want to move forward and allow God to use us in extraordinary ways we expect God to sorta be the wind beneath our wings - the only problem is, we don’t have wings. So it just becomes a wind beneath.
See what we don’t realize many times is what God is really wanting us to do is to start climbing w/ our hands and feet.
The life God calls us to doesn’t just happen magically, that God calls us to advance, and sometimes it’s a painful, difficult struggle of climbing upward.
To move to that place where God can do His greatest work
in and thru our lives.
What signs are you looking for?
I think quite often we look for the easiest sign - you know
This must be a sign b/c it’s more money, this must be a sign b/c she said YES, it’s gotta be God’s will b/c this is the path that’s working the easiest.
And yet sometimes that’s the very path God wants us to walk away from - He wants us to choose the path that makes us climb up with our hands and feet - it can be difficult, and challenging, and hard, and some suffering, and maybe
sacrifice. Have you ever gone thru a difficult trial or tragedy, or some sort of misfortune in life and come out of it on the other side just amazed and in AWE of how incredible, and loving and merciful God really is.
Jonathan’s sign came in the midst of action.
We’ve got it all mixed up. We think our signs that God is w/ us is that we’ve got safety. So we sit around and wait.
I think alot of us have a ‘retreat mentality’
Think about it - how far away are you from people who may need you tomorrow? What is the relational distance between you and your co-workers or family or friends?
What if we took on an ‘Advance mentality’ in relationship to our relationships? It’s not about trying to shove Jesus down people’s throat or preaching to them all the time.
It’s just about caring about people enough that whether they believe in God or not you would be in close proximity for the moments they need someone - and that someone would be you.
And if we are there to love and to serve and to help, then maybe, just maybe that might be the best proof of God in their life.
What would happen if all of us in here took on an ‘Advance mentality’ in every arena of our lives and understood that God was saying, GO rather than NO.
Have you ever read Is. 6 - it’s a conversation between God and Is., but it’s even bigger than that - it’s a convo between God and humanity:
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said,
"Here am I. Send me!" Is. 6:8
Alot of us keep hoping or thinking God might pick us (like Amer. Idol or something) when God has already invited us.
You may be here today and all your life you’ve heard NO
and if you’re gonna listen to everyone around you you’re gonna think you have no capacity to accomplish anything extraordinary - that’s why it’d be better to listen to GOD.
Even though He’s the One that sees us in our worst moments, He’s the One that sees us in our most greedy, self-centered, Self-indulgent moments. He’s the One that sees us in our most broken, shattered, devastated moments, He’s the One that sees us in our most sinful and destructive moments. He’s also the One who sees us with all the capacity within each of us. And He knows how to nurture that, and grow it, and unleash it!
Maybe you’re tired of waiting to be picked and it’s time to volunteer.
God sees us when everyone else overlooks us, and everyone else under-estimates our God given capacity, God never does. He chooses us, on top of that, He makes this blanket call, “Who will go for us” and God is waiting for us to say,
“Ahhh, Me, if You would take me as a volunteer, I’d love to be a part of something much bigger than me.”
God wants us to take on an, ‘Advance mentality’
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Chasing Daylight - Influence - 'Breath In, Breath Out'
Read 1 Samuel 14:1-7
What a strange response, “Do all that you have in mind, I am w/ you heart and soul”
Is there anyone that you would say that to in your life right now, if they woke you up in the middle of the night?
What if you're day-dreaming or sitting in front of the tube and someone pitches this outlandish idea, this pursuit, this dream, this ambition, but they need you to succeed, how would you respond?
“You’re out-of-mind or do all that you have in mind”
What if they tell you absolutely God can do it, there’s no doubt He can pull it off, this is a BIG dream,
but God is bigger. Then they throw in, ‘maybe God’ll Help”
You see, all of us are influenced, and all of us are influencers. We’re created as creatures of influence.
Those that influence us the most are the ones we give our heart and soul to.
Everybody inhale - deep breath (don’t pass out)
All of us are created to influence others
Everybody exhale - we are all created to influence others
Inhale - we’re all shaped by the lives around us, other values and passions, and their character
Exhale - We all affect the lives around us by our values, passions, and character.
Life is about inhaling and exhaling - life is about influence
We are influenced by others and we influence others
Sometimes that can be a wonderful thing and sometimes that can be a destructive thing, depending on who we are and who they are - let that sink in - who is influencing you - Who are you hanging out with?
Where are you hanging out? Who and where do you spend your extra time?
Who are you influencing?
Sometimes we’re unaware of how much we’ve been
influenced by others until we realize just how much we’re
like them. Some of us have grown up with a relationship of someone we despise. And we said, “I’m never gonna be like him or her” - such as parents maybe, "never gonna be like" -
But you’re still influenced by them b/c you’re running in the polar opposite direction.
In our pursuit to not be like them we still these little tidbits of that person in our lives.
Sick people influence us - their breathing out - we’re breathing in
We exhale into people’s lives and vice-versa, and we are
influenced by those we are in close proximity to - I guess
you could say we all have our own unique aroma
My wife has a nose like a basset hound, not in shape, but by the way she can smell things. We can walk into the house, and she’ll say, ‘What’s that smell?” I dont know -
“Something’s burning” I thought that was dinner, I dont know.
As we live our lives, we spend our lives inhaling.
Sometimes we have no idea what we’re breathing in, we’re oblivious to what is affecting our lives.
Jonathan had a moment where he knew he could not
influence his father, but he could influence a friend.
Have you ever felt you lacked the power to bring change?
That’s how Jonathan felt. He could not change or sway his father so it says he didn’t tell him. Now,
this is not a passage of disrespect, “I don’t have to listen to authority”
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26
- but the bible is clear that living a life for God may mean going against the norm, to walk away from all the influences may be holding you back,
causing you to live a life that is less than God would have for you.
That’s where Jonathan was, so he asked his A.B. - you may think that’s not much, you may feel the same way, I don’t have much, I have a limited amount of influence.
So we need to ask ourselves, “Who in your life are you investing in?”
In that critical moment that you need help, you need others to join you in this incredible journey that God has for you.
Who would look at you and say, “Do all that you have in mind, I am w/ you heart and soul”
Ironically this is one of those places where if you chose to be neutral you lose your potential. (initiative)
You may not be a bad person, you may be a pretty good guy, you might be a very nice human being, you may be one of those who has no known enemies in the world.
But ironically that may the very same description of a person who has no influence.
Hitler had great influence - a person in this world right now who holds no office, has no nation to lead and yet Osama Bin Laden is shaping the course of present times.
If only influence was restricted to those wanting to do good, but it’s not. So here’s the dilemma, so many of us want to live in character neutral.
Which is exactly where those 600 unnamed indiv. in 1 Sam. 14 chose to live.
There are a number of Christ-followers, Christians, who are in character-neutral.
We don’t want to do anything bad, and yet we are not putting forth this effort to influence the world with any good either.
I’m not talking about shaping political systems or institutions, but I’m talking about having the kind of character that
illuminates and draws other people to your life and reshapes their values and life course by who you are.
Alot of us Christ-followers can find ourselves as just inhalers.
We’re always breathing in - church, worship, study the word, around other believers, just taking in.
Just take a deep breath and hold it.... breath and hold it...
breath and hold it... eventually just breathing in becomes unhealthy.
story: airplane - what to do in case of loss of cabin pressure.
(mask doesn’t drop - asks wife - she says, ‘get your own’ - He says, ‘share’ - ‘No, you’ll be alright’)
This is the way so many of us are in way of relationship to J.C. - If Jesus is everything we say He is, how is it we can spend our lives just inhaling and when there are people all around us suffocating to death
w/out life, w/out love. w/out hope, w/out God, we say, ‘get your own’.
Everybody inhale, now exhale -
Jonathan leans over to his A.B., ‘let’s go’ - the response,
‘do all that you have in mind, I am w/ you heart & soul’
This is where it begins - by making a conscious decision of letting God become the primary Influencer of your life.
Where you’re breathing in Jesus
This is how Paul told it to Timothy:
Here is just one good reason to spend time inhaling the scriptures - this is the primary way God influences us
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. 2 Ti. 3:16
You see it not meeting some sort of quota, God is not checking to see if you spent enough time reading, it is not that you are fulfilling some kind of mandate -
It is that God is longing to breath into your life and mine.
As we inhale Him it changes our character...
How did God put life into Adam? Gen. 2:7 says, ‘God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
and the man became a living being.’
Ezekiel 37 - dry bones
Job said in ch. 33, ‘the breath of the Almighty gives me life.’
As we inhale Him it changes our character...
and then we can exhale God to the lives of others.
Everybody inhale, now exhale -
So who’s life are you investing in right now?
Who would look to you and say, ‘do all that you have in mind, I am w/ you heart and soul?
None of us are powerless. We are all influenced by others and we all have the capacity to influence others.
When we allow God to change our lives, to shape our
character, to influence us, when we breath in deeply of God, the natural response when you inhale is to exhale.
Sometimes we feel apprehensive b/c well you don’t want to impose your beliefs or life on other people - but consider this
Is it possible that you’re gonna run into this week, that your life will intersect w/ someone who has just hit bottom?
They can’t find enough strength, energy, or enthusiasm to continue, someone who’s questioning everything.
It is not about trying to impose your beliefs or God, listen, never try to force anyone into anything.
How about we allow God to shape us in such a way that others want to inhale of our lives.
Jon. to A.B. A.B. to Jon.
Let’s begin to live our lives in such a way that others are compelled to go wherever we might be going.
Everybody inhale, now exhale -
Everybody inhale, now exhale -
It’s something we do every minute of everyday, maybe it’s something we need to do more consciously so we can begin to give our lives away.
What a strange response, “Do all that you have in mind, I am w/ you heart and soul”
Is there anyone that you would say that to in your life right now, if they woke you up in the middle of the night?
What if you're day-dreaming or sitting in front of the tube and someone pitches this outlandish idea, this pursuit, this dream, this ambition, but they need you to succeed, how would you respond?
“You’re out-of-mind or do all that you have in mind”
What if they tell you absolutely God can do it, there’s no doubt He can pull it off, this is a BIG dream,
but God is bigger. Then they throw in, ‘maybe God’ll Help”
You see, all of us are influenced, and all of us are influencers. We’re created as creatures of influence.
Those that influence us the most are the ones we give our heart and soul to.
Everybody inhale - deep breath (don’t pass out)
All of us are created to influence others
Everybody exhale - we are all created to influence others
Inhale - we’re all shaped by the lives around us, other values and passions, and their character
Exhale - We all affect the lives around us by our values, passions, and character.
Life is about inhaling and exhaling - life is about influence
We are influenced by others and we influence others
Sometimes that can be a wonderful thing and sometimes that can be a destructive thing, depending on who we are and who they are - let that sink in - who is influencing you - Who are you hanging out with?
Where are you hanging out? Who and where do you spend your extra time?
Who are you influencing?
Sometimes we’re unaware of how much we’ve been
influenced by others until we realize just how much we’re
like them. Some of us have grown up with a relationship of someone we despise. And we said, “I’m never gonna be like him or her” - such as parents maybe, "never gonna be like" -
But you’re still influenced by them b/c you’re running in the polar opposite direction.
In our pursuit to not be like them we still these little tidbits of that person in our lives.
Sick people influence us - their breathing out - we’re breathing in
We exhale into people’s lives and vice-versa, and we are
influenced by those we are in close proximity to - I guess
you could say we all have our own unique aroma
My wife has a nose like a basset hound, not in shape, but by the way she can smell things. We can walk into the house, and she’ll say, ‘What’s that smell?” I dont know -
“Something’s burning” I thought that was dinner, I dont know.
As we live our lives, we spend our lives inhaling.
Sometimes we have no idea what we’re breathing in, we’re oblivious to what is affecting our lives.
Jonathan had a moment where he knew he could not
influence his father, but he could influence a friend.
Have you ever felt you lacked the power to bring change?
That’s how Jonathan felt. He could not change or sway his father so it says he didn’t tell him. Now,
this is not a passage of disrespect, “I don’t have to listen to authority”
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26
- but the bible is clear that living a life for God may mean going against the norm, to walk away from all the influences may be holding you back,
causing you to live a life that is less than God would have for you.
That’s where Jonathan was, so he asked his A.B. - you may think that’s not much, you may feel the same way, I don’t have much, I have a limited amount of influence.
So we need to ask ourselves, “Who in your life are you investing in?”
In that critical moment that you need help, you need others to join you in this incredible journey that God has for you.
Who would look at you and say, “Do all that you have in mind, I am w/ you heart and soul”
Ironically this is one of those places where if you chose to be neutral you lose your potential. (initiative)
You may not be a bad person, you may be a pretty good guy, you might be a very nice human being, you may be one of those who has no known enemies in the world.
But ironically that may the very same description of a person who has no influence.
Hitler had great influence - a person in this world right now who holds no office, has no nation to lead and yet Osama Bin Laden is shaping the course of present times.
If only influence was restricted to those wanting to do good, but it’s not. So here’s the dilemma, so many of us want to live in character neutral.
Which is exactly where those 600 unnamed indiv. in 1 Sam. 14 chose to live.
There are a number of Christ-followers, Christians, who are in character-neutral.
We don’t want to do anything bad, and yet we are not putting forth this effort to influence the world with any good either.
I’m not talking about shaping political systems or institutions, but I’m talking about having the kind of character that
illuminates and draws other people to your life and reshapes their values and life course by who you are.
Alot of us Christ-followers can find ourselves as just inhalers.
We’re always breathing in - church, worship, study the word, around other believers, just taking in.
Just take a deep breath and hold it.... breath and hold it...
breath and hold it... eventually just breathing in becomes unhealthy.
story: airplane - what to do in case of loss of cabin pressure.
(mask doesn’t drop - asks wife - she says, ‘get your own’ - He says, ‘share’ - ‘No, you’ll be alright’)
This is the way so many of us are in way of relationship to J.C. - If Jesus is everything we say He is, how is it we can spend our lives just inhaling and when there are people all around us suffocating to death
w/out life, w/out love. w/out hope, w/out God, we say, ‘get your own’.
Everybody inhale, now exhale -
Jonathan leans over to his A.B., ‘let’s go’ - the response,
‘do all that you have in mind, I am w/ you heart & soul’
This is where it begins - by making a conscious decision of letting God become the primary Influencer of your life.
Where you’re breathing in Jesus
This is how Paul told it to Timothy:
Here is just one good reason to spend time inhaling the scriptures - this is the primary way God influences us
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. 2 Ti. 3:16
You see it not meeting some sort of quota, God is not checking to see if you spent enough time reading, it is not that you are fulfilling some kind of mandate -
It is that God is longing to breath into your life and mine.
As we inhale Him it changes our character...
How did God put life into Adam? Gen. 2:7 says, ‘God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
and the man became a living being.’
Ezekiel 37 - dry bones
Job said in ch. 33, ‘the breath of the Almighty gives me life.’
As we inhale Him it changes our character...
and then we can exhale God to the lives of others.
Everybody inhale, now exhale -
So who’s life are you investing in right now?
Who would look to you and say, ‘do all that you have in mind, I am w/ you heart and soul?
None of us are powerless. We are all influenced by others and we all have the capacity to influence others.
When we allow God to change our lives, to shape our
character, to influence us, when we breath in deeply of God, the natural response when you inhale is to exhale.
Sometimes we feel apprehensive b/c well you don’t want to impose your beliefs or life on other people - but consider this
Is it possible that you’re gonna run into this week, that your life will intersect w/ someone who has just hit bottom?
They can’t find enough strength, energy, or enthusiasm to continue, someone who’s questioning everything.
It is not about trying to impose your beliefs or God, listen, never try to force anyone into anything.
How about we allow God to shape us in such a way that others want to inhale of our lives.
Jon. to A.B. A.B. to Jon.
Let’s begin to live our lives in such a way that others are compelled to go wherever we might be going.
Everybody inhale, now exhale -
Everybody inhale, now exhale -
It’s something we do every minute of everyday, maybe it’s something we need to do more consciously so we can begin to give our lives away.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Chasing Daylight - Uncertainity - 'Know you don't Know'
We continue together remembering that if our birth is like the sunrise, and our death like the sunset,
then in-between were all just chasing daylight.
“As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” John 9:4
1 Samuel 14:2-6
I love the 2nd half of Jonathan's encouragement to his armor
“The Lord is able to save whether we are many or few”
Summarized: Me and God are a majority - If God is for you who can be against you -
It’s the stuff we love to put on t-shirts, bumper stickers, frig. magnets... encouragement's - the kind of sayings that inspire us - but Jonathan says something just b4 that incredible encouragement - he says something I think we like to pass right by - “Perhaps the Lord will save us”
That’s not that encouraging is it?
You'd think the Armor bearer's response would be:
“Wake me when you know” “I’m with you when HE’S w/ you”
( so often we seek out this security from God that we believe is necessary to live life to the fullest. Sometimes it can
actually become the greatest deterrent to seizing our divine moments)
Have you ever been around someone who knows everything
They know all the answers, they have an opinion about everything, they’re always right, have you ever been around a know it all? Do you like those people? Probably don’t enjoy them that much, unless ofcourse you are that people.
Now it’s funny how we don’t like people who think they know it all yet sometimes in relationship to J.C. we think were
supposed to act like we know it all.
Alot of people out there are searching for God - is it possible they don’t like us b/c we come across as know-it-alls.
We do this I think b/c we want to let them in on what we know FOR CERTAIN, when in reality the greatest convo’s come when we let them in on what we don’t know.
Life is filled w/ Uncertainty -
(keys - bathroom key w/ handle -
have some keys don’t know what door or lock it goes to - doors in life we’re uncertain where the key is to open it -)
We really have no idea what we’re going to face each day - we have a schedule laid out for the day, and the in-suing days and weeks, but that doesn’t tell us we’re getting in a car crash at 11:03am or 9/11 -
We have no control over when or how we’re going to die,
but we do have control over how we live.
Jonathan was certain about some things, and yet at the same time he was able to operate in the realm of uncertainity - he called to to A.B., “"Come, let's go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised fellows. Perhaps the LORD will act in our behalf.” - You gotta love it - basically he was saying, ‘Let’s go pick a fight. Maybe God will help.’
Jonathan understood that not everything was guaranteed.
That you don’t have to wait til all the money is in the bank.
There are some things that you can know and some things that you will not know. So he says,
“Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few."
He had such a clear perspective on reality.
What he knew for certain was that God was powerful enough to get the job done, as difficult the odds appeared to be,
he would still move in line w/ God’s mission for them.
Long b4 God had spoken to Israel thru Samuel,
“And Samuel said to the whole house of Israel, "If you are returning to the LORD with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths and commit yourselves to the LORD and serve him only, and he will
deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines." 1 Sam. 7:3
Jonathan knew for certain that God was going to deliver,
his focus was not, ‘what is God’s will for my life? but...
‘how can i give my life to fulfill God’s will?’
He had no certainty of his own well being, only that he was moving in line with will and heart of God.
How about you? (prayer - do what God is blessing)
Are there times in life when we chose not to move forward,
not to seize a moment b/c we are uncertain how it will play out for ourselves?
Sure God is a BIG God, I have no doubt He can and will handle anything for you, but not for me...
Are there times in life when you chose to go back to sleep under the pomegranate tree, willing to set out once
everything is certain? (Chasing Daylight - Initiative)
(contingency plan)
Often we look to the Bible for comfort, assurance, and kind of a ‘how to’ guide, but not courage - we’re willing to engage in the battle if we believe that God has promised ultimate
victory. We have somehow convinced ourselves that God has signed a contract w/ us, promising that we will never fail. Implied that we will never suffer, or go thru disappointment, or even be inconvenienced in the journey.
With our church, I have no doubt that God is calling us to impact this city - it is absolutely clear that Jesus came so He could save the lost. And absolutely God is calling our church to join Him in declaring the gospel to the nations. I know that God is pleased w/ our action - now let’s see what He is going to do in and thru us.
How about in your life?
Jonathan understood that to move w/ God is to accept a life of uncertainties.
The Jonathan factor is expressed when we have absolute confidence in God in the midst of uncertainty
and are willing to move w/ God even w/out a guarantee of personal success.
Uncertainty invigorates Life
One of the wonderful things about about living in the realm of uncertainty is that you find the journey w/ God is full of
surprises. And that’s a Good Thing!
You may think that’s not what you want, “I don’t like surpr..”
But think about this - wouldn’t it be horrible if you knew everything that was going to happen in your life? Movie... no surprise. It’s utterly boring isn’t it - how many times can you laugh at a rerun? Some of you, many.
If you knew everything about your life it would become
tedious, mundane, boring you’d want to kill yourself.
Part of what keeps us alive is the sense of surprise...
anticipation... a sense of AWE.. a sense of mystery, a part of what keeps us alive is the uncertainty that we live in.
We are to live by Faith
The book of Hebrews tells us that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
It doesn’t mean we are presumptuous about God, it means we believe God for everything He promised.
So it’s important to note what God does promise and what He doesn’t. He promises we can be certain about who He is & we can be certain about our relationship in Him, but how the journey plays out is full of uncertainties - the end of the story is not though -
The last chapter of human history has already been written.
Jesus Wins!
And all who follow Him find that they are more than conquerers in Christ Jesus. He defeats death, suffering, evil, sorrow, loneliness, and despair, not to mention the leader of all evil, Satan.
And Jesus told us, “If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.”
He was not saying that you need more faith. He was saying that it takes very little faith to accomplish great things.
In most cases faith is about obeying what God has already spoken.
It is about building our lives and moving forward w/
confidence fueled by a commitment to God’s truth.
At the same time shift our prayers from what can you do for me
to and ask God to give us the courage to do what we already know.
4 This is what the LORD says to the house of Israel: "Seek me and live;5 do not seek Bethel, do not go to Gilgal, do not journey to Beersheba.
For Gilgal will surely go into exil, and Bethel will be reduced to nothing."
6 Seek the LORD and live, Amos 5:4-6
Here’s the thing about Jonathan - he had no idea whether God would act on his behalf in that particular engagement;
he just knew who God was.
He knew if he would seek God he would live even if he died trying -
Isn’t it ironic that we run to God to keep us safe when He calls us to a dangerous faith.
There is only ONE who is certain; everything else exists in the realm of uncertainty.
Listen, to place our trust in anything other than God is
nothing less than superstition.
(Rac, Shac, & Benny)
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."
Daniel 3:16-18
The door we fear going thru the most may be the very one where we will meet God most profoundly.
We are to Live by Faith
Life is full of uncertainty, which comes mystery... adventure... & wonder.
The J.F. moves us confidently forward into the future when you know that you don’t know.
then in-between were all just chasing daylight.
“As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” John 9:4
1 Samuel 14:2-6
I love the 2nd half of Jonathan's encouragement to his armor
“The Lord is able to save whether we are many or few”
Summarized: Me and God are a majority - If God is for you who can be against you -
It’s the stuff we love to put on t-shirts, bumper stickers, frig. magnets... encouragement's - the kind of sayings that inspire us - but Jonathan says something just b4 that incredible encouragement - he says something I think we like to pass right by - “Perhaps the Lord will save us”
That’s not that encouraging is it?
You'd think the Armor bearer's response would be:
“Wake me when you know” “I’m with you when HE’S w/ you”
( so often we seek out this security from God that we believe is necessary to live life to the fullest. Sometimes it can
actually become the greatest deterrent to seizing our divine moments)
Have you ever been around someone who knows everything
They know all the answers, they have an opinion about everything, they’re always right, have you ever been around a know it all? Do you like those people? Probably don’t enjoy them that much, unless ofcourse you are that people.
Now it’s funny how we don’t like people who think they know it all yet sometimes in relationship to J.C. we think were
supposed to act like we know it all.
Alot of people out there are searching for God - is it possible they don’t like us b/c we come across as know-it-alls.
We do this I think b/c we want to let them in on what we know FOR CERTAIN, when in reality the greatest convo’s come when we let them in on what we don’t know.
Life is filled w/ Uncertainty -
(keys - bathroom key w/ handle -
have some keys don’t know what door or lock it goes to - doors in life we’re uncertain where the key is to open it -)
We really have no idea what we’re going to face each day - we have a schedule laid out for the day, and the in-suing days and weeks, but that doesn’t tell us we’re getting in a car crash at 11:03am or 9/11 -
We have no control over when or how we’re going to die,
but we do have control over how we live.
Jonathan was certain about some things, and yet at the same time he was able to operate in the realm of uncertainity - he called to to A.B., “"Come, let's go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised fellows. Perhaps the LORD will act in our behalf.” - You gotta love it - basically he was saying, ‘Let’s go pick a fight. Maybe God will help.’
Jonathan understood that not everything was guaranteed.
That you don’t have to wait til all the money is in the bank.
There are some things that you can know and some things that you will not know. So he says,
“Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few."
He had such a clear perspective on reality.
What he knew for certain was that God was powerful enough to get the job done, as difficult the odds appeared to be,
he would still move in line w/ God’s mission for them.
Long b4 God had spoken to Israel thru Samuel,
“And Samuel said to the whole house of Israel, "If you are returning to the LORD with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths and commit yourselves to the LORD and serve him only, and he will
deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines." 1 Sam. 7:3
Jonathan knew for certain that God was going to deliver,
his focus was not, ‘what is God’s will for my life? but...
‘how can i give my life to fulfill God’s will?’
He had no certainty of his own well being, only that he was moving in line with will and heart of God.
How about you? (prayer - do what God is blessing)
Are there times in life when we chose not to move forward,
not to seize a moment b/c we are uncertain how it will play out for ourselves?
Sure God is a BIG God, I have no doubt He can and will handle anything for you, but not for me...
Are there times in life when you chose to go back to sleep under the pomegranate tree, willing to set out once
everything is certain? (Chasing Daylight - Initiative)
(contingency plan)
Often we look to the Bible for comfort, assurance, and kind of a ‘how to’ guide, but not courage - we’re willing to engage in the battle if we believe that God has promised ultimate
victory. We have somehow convinced ourselves that God has signed a contract w/ us, promising that we will never fail. Implied that we will never suffer, or go thru disappointment, or even be inconvenienced in the journey.
With our church, I have no doubt that God is calling us to impact this city - it is absolutely clear that Jesus came so He could save the lost. And absolutely God is calling our church to join Him in declaring the gospel to the nations. I know that God is pleased w/ our action - now let’s see what He is going to do in and thru us.
How about in your life?
Jonathan understood that to move w/ God is to accept a life of uncertainties.
The Jonathan factor is expressed when we have absolute confidence in God in the midst of uncertainty
and are willing to move w/ God even w/out a guarantee of personal success.
Uncertainty invigorates Life
One of the wonderful things about about living in the realm of uncertainty is that you find the journey w/ God is full of
surprises. And that’s a Good Thing!
You may think that’s not what you want, “I don’t like surpr..”
But think about this - wouldn’t it be horrible if you knew everything that was going to happen in your life? Movie... no surprise. It’s utterly boring isn’t it - how many times can you laugh at a rerun? Some of you, many.
If you knew everything about your life it would become
tedious, mundane, boring you’d want to kill yourself.
Part of what keeps us alive is the sense of surprise...
anticipation... a sense of AWE.. a sense of mystery, a part of what keeps us alive is the uncertainty that we live in.
We are to live by Faith
The book of Hebrews tells us that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
It doesn’t mean we are presumptuous about God, it means we believe God for everything He promised.
So it’s important to note what God does promise and what He doesn’t. He promises we can be certain about who He is & we can be certain about our relationship in Him, but how the journey plays out is full of uncertainties - the end of the story is not though -
The last chapter of human history has already been written.
Jesus Wins!
And all who follow Him find that they are more than conquerers in Christ Jesus. He defeats death, suffering, evil, sorrow, loneliness, and despair, not to mention the leader of all evil, Satan.
And Jesus told us, “If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.”
He was not saying that you need more faith. He was saying that it takes very little faith to accomplish great things.
In most cases faith is about obeying what God has already spoken.
It is about building our lives and moving forward w/
confidence fueled by a commitment to God’s truth.
At the same time shift our prayers from what can you do for me
to and ask God to give us the courage to do what we already know.
4 This is what the LORD says to the house of Israel: "Seek me and live;5 do not seek Bethel, do not go to Gilgal, do not journey to Beersheba.
For Gilgal will surely go into exil, and Bethel will be reduced to nothing."
6 Seek the LORD and live, Amos 5:4-6
Here’s the thing about Jonathan - he had no idea whether God would act on his behalf in that particular engagement;
he just knew who God was.
He knew if he would seek God he would live even if he died trying -
Isn’t it ironic that we run to God to keep us safe when He calls us to a dangerous faith.
There is only ONE who is certain; everything else exists in the realm of uncertainty.
Listen, to place our trust in anything other than God is
nothing less than superstition.
(Rac, Shac, & Benny)
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."
Daniel 3:16-18
The door we fear going thru the most may be the very one where we will meet God most profoundly.
We are to Live by Faith
Life is full of uncertainty, which comes mystery... adventure... & wonder.
The J.F. moves us confidently forward into the future when you know that you don’t know.
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