Saturday, May 09, 2015

Dealing with Distractions

 Now I’m gonna do something I dont normally do and thats read out of the KJV. 
I know the younger you are the less you want to read out of the KJV and thats cool but you’ll see how its quite appropriate this morning - Isaiah 6:1-9

“In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.
2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.
3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
4 And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.
5 Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.
6 Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:
7 And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.
8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
9 And he said, Go, and tell this people”

So here is Isaiah having this real God moment. He’s standing before God Himself and theres these seraphim's, which are angels, now check this out, not some little baby angels we see pictures of but these mighty angelic beings ok? And these angels are crying out, basically singing, praising God so loud that the whole place was shaking. Can you picture that? Have you ever been at a concert or a club or something and maybe close to the speakers and it was so loud that you could feel the vibration of the music? Have you? Well this is like a 100 times greater than that. 

And the 1st thing out of his mouth is “Woe to me” - you know why? 
Because he realizes at that moment he is in a very very holy place, ...there before God and he is feeling very very not holy. 
Because he knows, he knows he’s not living a holy life. And this is a man of God. 
Pretty crazy right? But pretty real. I think we’d all feel that way.

Now heres the deal. Isaiah worked for the King. King Uzziah. And he placed great importance on the fact that he worked for the King. He was the court historian, basically the Press Secretary in our terms today. And he is all about the King. He is heavily influenced by the King. I mean his life revolves around the King and basically he’s gotten a bit out of balance. You trackin with me?
Hangin out with King Uzziah has become his greatest influence - more than God Almighty being his greatest influence in life. …….And this a worship situation…... 
Here’s a question… do we ever do that? You and me. Do we ever get caught up in other people or things or activities that they become a greater influence in our lives than God is?
Does that happen?

Are we caught up in what are friends are doing more than what God is doing?
Are we more into the sport we love rather than what God loves?
Are we caught up in our work more than what God would want us to be involved in?
Are we caught up in sharing on social media more than sharing the love of God with others?

I mean that happens to us too just like Isaiah.
Maybe we allow other things to dominate our lives rather than God dominating our lives.
You see for Isaiah, King Uzziah was blocking his view of God. For us, something else may be blocking our view of God. 
I mean hear me folks, God is HUGE. He holds the universe in his hands. It doesnt matter how much we know of Gods love or mercy or power… that is just a teaspoon in the ocean. He goes on & on & on and something tiny, some little ity bity thing can block our view of a great big God.

Its like... 
If you have your phone and if you hold it up in front of your face, I mean where its almost touching your nose, the only thing you can see is whats right in front of you.
Thats whats happening to Isaiah. Thats what happens to us.

We get caught up in friends, hobbies, career, our phones constantly in front of our faces and we cant see God because we are distracted. …….Oh thats the BIG word, distracted.
What could be distracting you from seeing God? … Do you know what that is? 

So how do we fix that? Whats the remedy? Whats the solution?
Life is better with God front and center. Hear me now, life is better with God front and center.
Matt. 6:33 says “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Put God 1st and life is better.

So what can you and I do?
Lets look at what we just read in Is. 6
Then Isaiah said, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.

You know what this tells me I need to do 1st when I realize Im distracted and that distraction is blocking my view? Confess. This is personal confession. Whatever it may be that is distracting you from seeing God, whatever is keeping you away from God- you realize what that is and you confess it

Isaiah said Woe to me I am a man of unclean lips. 
You and I would would say, woe to me I have been distracted by…. And whatever that is you tell God.
You are confessing to Him that its been blocking your view.
1 Timothy 1:19 says, “Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.”

So the 1st thing we do is confess

Heres the 2nd, vs 7
“And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.”

This is personal consecration - I know consecration is a big churchy word, go ahead and say ‘consecration’ out loud- do it, it has a bunch of syllables you feel smarter just saying it.
Consecration simply means devoted. It means we are so devoted to God we lay down or put aside those distractions blocking our view of God.

Look at Psalm 51:17, “My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit;
    a broken and contrite heart, you, God, will not despise.”
Once we have realized the distraction and we confessed it to be so, now we lay it down before God. We tell God, “I dont want this distraction to block my view of you Lord, I want You to be front and center.”  Now hear me, that doesnt mean you no longer hang out with friends, or love sports or our hobbies or throw your phone or computer in the dumpster… okay?
We are simply saying we no longer want them to keep us away from what You God want in our lives. So we consecrate, we sacrifice, we lay it down before You so You God are truly number 1 in my life. I’m devoted….You see that?

Then we move to the 3rd part. Vs 9 
“And he (God) said, Go, and tell this people”

This is our mission. Its personal commission. 
God has something for you. He has a mission for you. He had a mission for Isaiah. You see that?
Just like Isaiah, He has a mission for you. There’s no difference. You and I both have a mission.
Please understand me, you are not here on earth by accident. You are not an accident. I dont care if anybody every told you that. It’s not true. Your are here on purpose for a purpose. God doesnt make mistakes. Do you know that? 
You are not here on this earth just to eat, breath and take up space. That is not all that God has in store you. You are special, you are amazing. You are spectacular! Period. 
And God has a purpose for you. Look at what Jesus said, “In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world.”   John 17:18 msg

Jesus is talking to you right now. 
So part 3 is you beginning today to ask God, what is my mission Lord?
And He will tell you. It may take some some time to fully understand, it may take time to develop but I can tell you I was 10yrs old when I knew the mission God had for me.
You know what that says to me, He will tell you too. 

But guess what, we cant be distracted from what God has for us. We wont see it, 
we wont hear it.
So we confess, we consecrate, we lay it down and we ask.
And He will let you know in His timing He will let you know.

So lets have an awakening in our lives just like Isaiah had. 

watch message in its entirety here:WOE LO GO

Saturday, March 28, 2015

What are YOU doing for Passion Week?

  As we enter into Palm Sunday the question on my mind is, "What are you doing during this upcoming Passion Week?"
This type of question always enters my mind during significant seasons... certainly the holiday season surrounding the birth of Christ. Which also leads into the New Year.
When Spring comes I ponder new life, which leads me to the Easter season.
And here I am today wondering, thinking, meditating upon Passion Week.

Passion Week (also known as Holy Week) is the time from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday (Resurrection Sunday).
Passion Week is so named because of the passion with which Jesus willingly went to the cross in order to pay for the sins of His people. It is described in Matthew chapters 21-27; Mark chapters 11-15; Luke chapters 19-23; and John chapters 12-19. Passion Week begins with the triumphal entry on Palm Sunday on the back of a colt as prophesied in Zechariah 9:9-10.

So here we are, the week is upon us.
What am I going to do with this week? What are YOU going to do with this week?

Well for me, I'm going to spend some time reading through the Passion Week passages I mentioned earlier. Letting those sink in, trying to place myself there... in the midst of it all.
I think of Jesus cleansing the Temple for the second time (Luke 19:45-46)
Causing me to reflect on what needs to be "cleansed" from my own life?
Well that takes on many forms doesn't it?
From attitudes, to speech, to the conversations I allow myself to enter to, the images I've allowed myself to see, all the way to the food I consume.
I think of the time and purpose Jesus spent in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:36-46)
Creating a longing in me to pray, to cry out to my Lord and Savior.

Other ways I engage in this upcoming involve reading accompanying materials, watching films/documentaries related to this season.
Finding a Seder Meal service to be a part of and/or a Good Friday Service.
Culminating with an Easter Celebration Service.

So how about you?
What are you going to do this Passion Week?

Let me and others know.........

May this be a season of reflection and celebration

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Would Jesus Choose Your Boat.....?

I opened the year 2015 talking about defining moments - Defining Moments arent these moments that we wait for and hope theyll come to us but rather God has already placed these moments in our paths and they are there waiting for us to step into them and define them.
So we looked at a few examples throughout scripture and we could find more and more if we wanted to spend the time searching. - if you missed the blog I recommend checking it out - we were purposeful in that being the 1st message in 2015…. Because 
Getting practical I mentioned 2 items, 2 practical ways to set us up to define moments
1. Beg for the Holy Spirit guidance and   2.  15 in 2015 

Now I am promoting, being the crusader, the lobbyist that this year 2015 be a year a growth (you could get excited about that if you want to) a year of growth for all of us in many different ways and a year of growth in your lives personally. 
Ok I said all of that to set up the next couple of weeks as we take a little journey with Jesus, Peter and his boat… looking at these 2 growth areas for us…. Our character and our courage.
Alright, you ready! - luke 5

 “One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. 2 He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. 3 He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.
4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”
5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. 7 So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.
8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” 9 For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, 10 and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners.
Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” 11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.” Luke 5:1-11

In preparing for this message I came across this piece of modern history regarding this location of Lake Gennersaret which today is called Lake Kinneret:
-  During the mid-eighties a severe drought drained the lake to its lowest level ever. During that time a boat dating back to the first century was discovered. After years of careful restoration, the boat is now on display at the Kibbutz. 

It is dubbed “the Jesus boat” because it dates to the time period of His ministry. Jesus could very well have sailed in a boat of similar size to the one pictured above.

And in this story, of luke ch.5 when he came to the shore of the lake the people followed. 
Jesus noticed two boats along the seashore.
Luke used the word ploiarion, meaning “a little boat” which certainly fits the picture of this boat. 
Here is where the fishermen would be washing out and repair their nets after an excursion on the lake. 

They would wash out the lake grass and an odd sandal or two that they had drug up while fishing! 
Atleast thats what I would catch if I were fishing. 
So here was Simon after a tough night of fishing cleaning up his boat, setting up the nets to dry in the sun and along comes Jesus who picks his boat and asks for it to be pushed just off shore to serve as a floating platform. This would have been an ideal way for Jesus’ voice to carry across the water to the maximum amount of the people – and the water keep the crowds back so that more could hear.

As soon as Jesus sat down, a hush came over the crowd because that was the sign given by all rabbis before they began to teach. Jesus always had a compelling story to tell and the crowd pressed in to listen to Him….. And the thought came to me….

Why did Jesus choose 1 boat over the other? Now one could certainly argue that Jesus wasnt purposeful in selecting one boat over the other… just simple happen-stance. But I would argue it was very intentional. And that the pattern of Jesus’ life was very intentional with all those he dealt with directly…. And indirectly. 

Because you see He makes those decisions in our lives daily.
Which is what we spoke about last blog. That God has already set us up for those ‘defining moments’ - that the life changing defining moments in our lives dont simply come to us but that they are there, placed by God for us to step into them and define those moments.
So that would answer the debate if He was intentional or not. 

However today I want us to look at this from another angle of why did He choose Simon Peters boat? 
And ask us to be open and aware here today asking ourselves  
“Would He choose your boat?”

And so for us to answer that question I’d like us to investigate these first few verses in 
Luke 5 

Why Jesus chose Simon Peters boat…

 vs. 2 “He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets.”
Simon was willing to stop what he was doing to get involved in what Jesus was doing.
Look at this: Simon was busy right? I mean not just right now as he’s cleaning out his nets but he’s been fishing for hours and now he’s on the back end cleaning up. 
When you’ve been busy at work for hours and now youre in the wrap up stage of closing things out and getting things done…. How open are you to interruptions? You probably love them right? :)
Youre totally cool with that. 
Well Simon was cuz he knew something bigger was going on 
So how about us? Would Jesus choose your boat b/c He knew you would be totally cool with extending your work hours cuz something bigger was going on….
How about we make it personal. What is it that God is doing that He wants you to be a part of? 
Have you engaged in that? Have you stepped into that moment making a defining moment decision that you are ready and willing?
What God has made absolutely clear to us all when it comes to His Kingdom work is what is most important is our Availability not our Ability - are you open to being interrupted by God? 
If yes, He’ll choose your boat.

  Vs. 3  “He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore.”

Simon was willing to do a little thing 
Not only was he willing and available but when it comes to pushing the boat out just a little ways well Simon was way overqualified for that. 
We’re talking about a deep sea fisherman here, not a push a few feet from the shore guy.
You see Simon’s attitude here. He’s basically sayin, “Im all in here!” I dont care how small the task, I’m honored just to be a part of this.
Is there anything you've pushed aside thinking “oh thats not for me, thats just a little task and I’m way to overqualified for that?” Have you? 
Maybe its getting involved in ministry somewhere that you know theres a need, maybe even a desperate need but “oh someone else will do it.” - but heres the growth area for us… 
that we’re willing to do it, to move forward the focus mission. Where we have the thought, “this is my church, I love focus church, I love the mission and vision here” so we ask ourselves “how can I forward the focus mission?”

Maybe its being a part of the childrens ministry, maybe its being a help to our youth, student ministry leaders, maybe its being a part 1st impressions team, getting up early to be here greeting others as they walk in, or the hospitality team, setting up the breakfast area, getting coffee made and snacks out for everyone, realizing the bigger picture that people will get invited here who are in a discovery mode when it comes to Christ and you’ll do any little thing you can to help bigger cause.
Its also outside the walls of the church. Its being willing to do that little extra thing at the workplace but in doing that others see you operating in the “love in action” mode and they begin to ask you ?s 
(continue) its the little things like being one of those folks cook a portion of a meal we take out to montrose, and so many other opportunities to just do the little thing.
Will He choose your boat?

 Vs 3-4 “He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.
4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

Simon Peter was sensitive to Jesus’ voice 
You ever notice sometimes we get caught up in selective listening? 
Like I get in trouble for this at the house alll the time…. (laptop tv convo, 2 min later I ask ?) 
Dont just get caught up in what you want to hear - Jesus said in Jn 14:15 “If you love me, obey my commandments.”
What has God been speaking to you that maybe, just maybe you’ve put on the side burner?
So we’re talking about this season of growth for our church but more importantly a season of growth in your lives personally. So I asked you to commit to 15 in 2015 right? 
Now I meet with a group of guys on wed nights and I asked them all of them if they could come next week with how are they going to grow in 2015? That they would listen, be sensitive to what and how they could grow this year… and we’re gonna talk about  - we used Eph 5:1-20 as a starting scripture - 
So ill ask all of you the same ? - use eph 5 to get started and be sensitive to Gods voice on what and how you will grow this year….
Jesus chose Simon Peters boat b/c he was sensitive to Gods voice - would He choose your boat?
How about it… Will you step into this moment and define this moment?

Vs 5 “Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” and in vs 2 “washing their nets”

Simon was a worker

How does Proverbs 12:24 apply to your life: “Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and become a slave.” or proverbs 21:25 - “Despite their desires, the lazy will come to ruin, for their hands refuse to work.”
Again b/c of the bigger picture Simon was willing, and if it included more work he was open to that.
Would Jesus choose your boat?
As we spoke about these defining moments, how do you think people would define you as a worker? You know on a scale from 1-10   (poll in yv app) 
I found this memo that went out to all employees at a company that will remain nameless (maybe its your company…) - trying to motivate their folks 

Human Resources: Distribution: ALL STAFF Tuesday Jan 3rd.
Dear Staff,
It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your salary.
If we see you wearing Prada trainers & carrying a Gucci bag we assume you are doing well financially and therefore you do not need a pay rise.
If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that you may buy nicer clothes and therefore you do not need a pay rise.
If you dress in-between, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a pay rise.
We will no longer accept a doctor statement as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.
Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year.
They are called Saturday & Sunday.

I dont know about you but thats not real motivating to me...

Peter was a worker which leads to #5

 v. 5“But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

Simon was willing to use what he possessed to receive what Jesus had for him.

Simon Peter used his own net. 
I think there are times in life when we feel like we have nothing to offer. You may feel that way today. 
What could I possibly offer. I dont have much. I’m not skilled for ministry I just work in an office, I’m an accountant or I’m real estate agent or I’m an electrician - but here we see a man, Simon who was a common worker, a fisherman by trade filming episodes of Deadliest Catch for Discovery channel and all he had was a boat and some nets…. But he didnt let that persuade him that it was of no value.

Folks hear me today please hear me… you have value. You have great value. God did not place 
you here on this earth just to eat, breath and take up space. He has a plan for you. 
A specific plan. Jer. 29:11
And that plan includes what you have today, what you possess today. God will use you, and what you have to impact those around you for His Kingdom and His glory.
If your taking notes write this principle down, I mentioned this briefly earlier but I dont want you to miss this….Its not about your ability, it about your availability.
It has nothing to do with the skills you posses and if you think they will be effective or not, what matters to God is are you willing? Are you available? Available for Him to work through you?
Thats what matters. Thats the attitude hes looking for…. Would he choose your boat?
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works” Eph. 2:10

v. 5 “Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so” and v. 8 “When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”

Simon Peter recognized the Lordship of Jesus.

How many people do you think recognize God and who He is... but not as their savior?
He is not Lord of their lives. Sure I know God but as you look at my everyday life can you tell He’s the Lord of my life? That God is the one who directs my path? 
Or does my life look like every other person who God is not the Lord of their life?
Would Jesus choose your boat? 
Maybe youre thinking, absolutely He is Lord. I live my life for Christ and His will for my life 
Or maybe your thinking Yeah I’m not totally sure about that….
Remember what we learned last week, youre only one defining moment away from a new life, a new future. 
That with God, He’ll take any one of us when we’re ready to step into His presence and follow Him. He doesnt care what color, what language, what tribe, what boundary, he doesn’t care our background, rather nobility or peasant if we say, “God I want You” He lets us step into a new definition of ourselves.
So the question is, do you recognize the Lordship of Jesus as Simon did?
Today is the day. 
Is he truly directing your path or are you still the captain of the ship?
Would he choose your boat?

Watch video of message: Would Jesus Choose Your Boat?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

What if we are to DEFINE Moments rather than waiting for Defining Moments to come to us...

Well here we are, the beginning of another year. And each new year is full of hope and enthusiasm 
For some 2014 was a spectacular year and so we want 2015 to be a continuation of goodness
For others 2014 was ho-hum so they're wanting 2015 to be better and still others look back at 2014 and are very happy its over, it hasn't been great…. So with the new year 2015 there is great hope and anticipation that it will be, not even spectacular per se, although that would be nice but just that the new year would be better than the previous. 
So they're looking for something that will change for them, some sort of momentum to shift life...

Have you noticed that life is shaped by defining moments?
In fact, some would say that you can track 5 or 6 moments in your life that will define all the moments within a lifetime.
and so however many moments you live in your life you’ll be able to look at specific, significant, seismic moments that were defining moments or if you look at it from another angle Divine moments. 
Ever notice that sometimes you're waiting for that defining moment to come and it seems like it just wont come while others appear to be having these defining moments again and again and it seems like its unfair - ever notice that some people seem to have multiple defining moments in their lives?

What I want to look at today is about the moments that define us and I want to change your mind about defining moments. Because instead of waiting for defining moments I want you to realize that you have been created and crafted to enter into moments and DEFINE them.

That the moments that actually define you are not the moments that come to you but the moments you come into. And that defining moments aren't moments we should wait for but they are moments that waiting for us. 
...and how we engage and enter a moment will determine what we’ll find and pull out of that moment.

Have you ever had defining moments that shaped everything for you? Maybe it was a moment that was your worse moment, maybe you've been defined by a bad moment - have you ever had a moment that was a wrong decision, a bad decision & your whole life was turned upside down because of that decision, that choice? And you've been defined by that moment ever since.
(athletes make bad decisions,  defined forever by those, Ron Artest with Pacers goes into stands, Lions D Tackle stomping on head of opposing team defined as dirty player)

The moments in your life, the choices you make, the direction you choose, the jobs you take, the jobs you don't take, the career path you choose, the career path you do not choose, the city you live in, the place you live, do you know how many choices you've said "no" to for the choices you've said "yes" to that have marked your life and defined who you are and the life you're living. Even the people you choose define who you are.

Have you ever choose the wrong people? Spending time with the wrong people has led you to some not so great moments in your life, or maybe you were the wrong person and it defined anothers life poorly. Or maybe you've chose the right people to be around and your life has greatly benefited from that choice. You've chosen to be aligned with the right people which has led to making the right choices in your life, which has helped create a bright future. The people you choose will define who you are.

You see we choose the way we breath every second of our existence.
As we travel through time we create a future by the choices we make. So we need to realize the future of our lives is largely dependent on the choices we’ve made yesterday.
So the choices you make today will form and inform your tomorrow. 

So I want to talk to you about the moments that define us.
The scriptures are very clear that moments are waiting for us, that God has already made choices to open up a future we could never imagine... and those moments are waiting for us to choose them.

There was a moment in the life of Jesus that caught my attention regarding defining moments. 
If you think about the story of Jesus it kinda skips large areas of His life.
We have the birth of Jesus which was rather monumental since virgin births are rare.
Then ofcourse the whole spectacle of bethlehem, wise men, shepherds in the field you know the story… then its silence for 12yrs and the next time we hear about Jesus his parents have lost Him.  :) 
Which btw is a huge crisis, if you could imagine being entrusted with the Son of God and you have temporarily misplaced Him. But you know they do find Him in the temple as He's teaching the teachers in the temple who are asking Him questions and astounded by his answers.
So his parents grab Him and you don't hear about Him again for another 20yrs…

Then Jesus shows up at the age of 30 - and theres multiple things that happen from age 30-33 of ministry to death and resurrection - but at 30 He's introduced to the broader audience and He’s introduced as the messiah, the christ, the savior of the world in what I would call a somewhat understated moment in Matt ch 3 in vs 13 we see Jesus enter the scene it says,
“Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John” 
Now you may not expect this to be the opening act of Jesus onto the scene... that Jesus would “go to” John, John the Baptizer. And John tries to deter Him for the same reasons we would try to deter him because it doesn't make any sense that Jesus would need to be baptized or atleast to us anyway that John would baptize Him instead John says "oh no wait I need to be baptized by you, that you would come to me."
So John saw it exactly the way we would see it. It doesn't make sense but then Jesus says,
“Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.”
Thats a huge statement - Jesus says I need to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness - I have no idea what that means… it just sounds epic - its huge, Jesus fulfills all righteousness in this moment and whatever that means its huge, I know its important, its cosmic - and so John consents 
And as soon as Jesus was baptized he went up out of the water and at that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him.17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” 

You see this is one of those defining moments and Jesus stepped into it
These are the kinda moments we all long for, the moments we hope for, the moments that change everything for us, the heavens opening up declaring something for us....

And what I want us to see is that this moment didnt arbitrarily come to Jesus, that he stepped into that moment and He defined that moment by saying this is what I must do.

And I’m wondering if this is the pattern God is hoping we can embrace for our lives.
That we stop living arbitrary lives like leaves blowing in the wind hoping that somehow good things will come our way. That something significant, something seismic, something divine would come our way. But instead that we are designed by God to enter into the moments of life with the power to define them.
And one of things that Jesus calls us to, is to define ourselves as belonging to Him, a redefining of our identity as those who belong to the Savior of the world.
So I want to open our eyes today to the moments that are waiting for us to enter in and define them.
I could take us all over scripture to discover these defining moments that numerous people engaged and entered into for us to see ourselves - I mean all the way to the beginning with Adam and Eve and there was a serpent, you probably know the story. And for us to see that God from the beginning has created this framework for us, humans with the power to choose. 

So in the garden God had given the opportunity not just to step into defining moments but to define their moments. And we confuse this sometimes thinking there were only 2 trees and there was only 1 good choice and 1 bad choice but actually the garden was full of endless good choices and only one choice that would cost them their lives.

So He said you choose, you decide, but remember you're created in my image and this is the best life for you. And you probably know the story Adam and Eve eat of the one tree they're not supposed to and they lose their identity in God because they made a defining moment decision. To define themselves outside of the image of God.

We could just continue the story from Adam & Eve to their 2 sons Cain and Abel and their defining moments that led them on their paths for the rest of their lives…. But I’m not gonna dive into to that one today.
Or we could look at the multiple moments Jacob faced, including a defining moment he stepped into by wrestling with God… But I’m not gonna dive into to that one today either.

I want you to know today the choices you've made in the past they have real momentum they have real life and even when you're trying to redefine yourself, the momentum of those choices they can chase you down, catch you at your worst moments, they can haunt you and taunt you, belittle you they can leave you will the feelings of guilt and shame... but our God is a God of grace and lets you know He will protect your future 

We have choices to make, defining moments waiting for us to define them
And we can be like Rehab who takes a moment and redefines herself completely.
Lets go to Joshua ch 2 - Caleb and Joshua are spearheading a reconnaissance mission through Jericho because they know God is going to give them the Promised Land. And this is more than a battle of tribes, this is an intention of Gods fulfillment. And what I love about this passage is that Rehab gives us an outsiders perspective. She actually says to Joshua in vs 9 “we know whats going on, we know that this is not a battle between tribes but that God is moving in human history and our hearts are melted with fear and we’ve lost our courage b/c we know were waring against God.” 
And btw Rehab is known as Rehab the Prostitute, isnt that wonderful?
Wouldn't you love being known throughout your life by the worst thing you've ever done?
You know John the Liar or there's Susan the Manipulator, there's Cole the car thief. 

Wouldn't it be horrible to be defined by your worst choices.... Rehab the Prostitute.
And as it turns out Joshua and Caleb make their way through the city and Rehab finds them out and she tells them I want to be on God’s side, will you accept me?
And you would think that the last person God would accept would be this prostitute of the people who are against the intention and will of God
And the great thing about God is He’ll take any one of us when we’re ready to step into His presence and follow Him. He doesn't care what color, what language, what tribe, what boundary, he doesn’t care our background, rather nobility or peasant if we say, “God I want You” He lets us step into a new definition of ourselves.
And in this moment Rehab reminds us we’re all one choice away from a new life and future….

She says, vs 12

12 “Now then, please swear to me by the Lord that you will show kindness to my family, because I have shown kindness to you. Give me a sure sign 13 that you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them—and that you will save us from death.”
14 “Our lives for your lives!” the men assured her. “If you don’t tell what we are doing, we will treat you kindly and faithfully when the Lord gives us the land.”
15 So she let them down by a rope through the window, for the house she lived in was part of the city wall. 16 She said to them, “Go to the hills so the pursuers will not find you. Hide yourselves there three days until they return, and then go on your way.”
17 Now the men had said to her, “This oath you made us swear will not be binding on us18 unless, when we enter the land, you have tied this scarlet cord in the window through which you let us down, and unless you have brought your father and mother, your brothers and all your family into your house. 19 If any of them go outside your house into the street, their blood will be on their own heads; we will not be responsible. As for those who are in the house with you, their blood will be on our head if a hand is laid on them.20 But if you tell what we are doing, we will be released from the oath you made us swear.”
21 “Agreed,” she replied. “Let it be as you say.”
So she sent them away, and they departed. And she tied the scarlet cord in the window.

And I love how this prostitute, who had probably been rejected by everyone she ever loved.
Probably felt that no one cared for her, wept for her, remembered her - I imagine that little space by the city wall was an empty space filled with loneliness, a vacuum of love for every man who pretended he loved her, she simply sold her body because she had no sense of value any longer.
Can you just imagine Rehab the Prostitute becoming Rehab the Protector 
Where she would go to her family, father and mother, brothers and sisters and say come under my roof, for my roof, in my house there is life and safety..... its beautiful 

I love that God took the very room where she sold herself to be the place to become a shelter for those she loved. 
All of us are always one moment away from new life, one decision away from a new future.
We all enter into moments that can become defining moments if we stop waiting passively by hoping God will do something when God has already done something and He’s waiting for us to step into that reality. 
Sometimes I think we are waiting for God to choose us when God has already chosen us and He is simply waiting for us to choose Him.

So I hope you see today what God’s Word is shouting out to us all…. As we enter into 2015 that we will not wait around for those defining moments to come to us but that we’ll realize God has already chosen us and is waiting for us to step into those moments and define them…. For His glory.
That we’ll be wide eyed…. Purposely looking for them. And that we’ll look back later in life at this year and say, 2015, thats when I stepped into defining moments 

Practical applications

  1. Beg for the Holy Spirits leading 
"these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God." 1 Corinthians 2:10

I use the word beg on purpose because when we are desperate we are much more aware of our surroundings, the environment, the atmosphere hence open for the Spirits leading.
So ask everyday for the Holy Spirit to help you be aware of and engage defining moments.

2.   15 in 2015 

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."   Matthew 6:33

Make a commitment in 2015 to daily spend 15 minutes with God. 
Trust me on this one folks.
It will only benefit you. You know what most of us do, we say we just don't have the time - maybe not aloud but to ourselves or just by our actions - the truth is we cant afford not to. We need God everyday. So make the commitment. Stop for 15 min, Get your bible open, get something write on and hang out with God reading His Word, talking to Him in prayer, listening to what he is speaking to you. Hey pull a Nike and Just Do It. You will not regret it - I promise you.

Btw doing #2 will set up #1 - it will put you in a place to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you that will open you up engage and define moments. 

So let's DEFINE Moments in 2015!

watch video presentation of message: Defining Moments message video

Monday, December 01, 2014

This Christmas find ADVENTure

Theres a Light… there is Hope

Watch: Scripture Video John 1:1-5

I love that phrase, “The light shining into the darkness; and the darkness could not over come it.”  That “light” is Jesus who came into our dark world on Christmas some 2000 years ago.  And I want you to remember that phrase, “The light shining into the darkness; and the darkness could not over come it” because this Christmas despite the “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” and the “Joy to the World”; I know for many it can be a very dark season.

 We are starting a new series today.  It’s the kind of series that will take us on several adventures. This Christmas, we don’t want it just to be an advent season, but a season of ADVENTure.


 I know there are so many of you that need to take an advent(ure) this Christmas: 
from a place of despair to a real hope!

It was a guy named John, who knew Jesus better than almost anyone on earth says about Jesus, “4…He is the light of all mankind. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not over come it.” What you might miss, but was clear to the first readers of John’s gospel is that John is clearly saying that Jesus is God!  He is intentionally using the same language as the prophet Isaiah who prophesied,  “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9:2)  

He is saying that Jesus is God!  And he is the light for all of us who are walking in darkness. So, what does it mean for Jesus to be our “light”?


In Jesus day, when it got dark at night it was dark.  Real dark.  Pitch black dark. There were no streetlights, no city lights, no flashing headlights – just darkness.  So, once it got dark you didn’t go anywhere because unless it was the light of the moon, you couldn’t see anything.  But the light of a lantern or the light of a torch were the only sources that could provide enough light to give direction in the darkness.  A light can give us direction.

For many of us, we can relate to all or parts of Hannah’s story:  the worry, the despair.  Feeling lost.
Jesus is the light in the middle of all that darkness that can give you guidance and direction.  In much the same way that the light from the Christmas star shone brighter than all the rest and guided those first wisemen; if you will let him, Jesus through the power of His Spirit will guide you and direct you during the darkest times of your life. He can give you wisdom.  He can give you guidance.  Jesus is a light that will direct you in your darkest of times!


The dessert wilderness of Israel was a tough and not very hospitable place.  During the day the heat would parch your throat and boil your skin.  And at night the darkness was cold and could be equally dangerous.  The darkness brought with it the dangers of thieves and wild animals who would keep their distance during the day, but not at night.  So the light of a fire would provide warmth and protection from thieves and wild predators.

When we go through seasons of anxiety n despair and we feel like we are not worthy or we have to hide who we really are – we are vulnerable to predators.  We are vulnerable to predatory people who will take advantage of us.  We are vulnerable to the predator of bad choices that seem so right.  What the light of Jesus and his people will do is protect us! When we go through the valley of the shadow death we know he is with us.  Jesus promised, “Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  His light will protect you!


When John wrote these words about Jesus, He is the light of all mankind. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not over come it.”  Perhaps the most common image of light was the light of a fire and in particular kind of a campfire.  And a campfire was a safe place, not just for one, bur for all to come and gather.  In the middle of a cold, dark, directionless and dangerous night – a fire would become a place where people would gather and find other people.  Other people just like them.  Community.  

That was what Jesus had in mind with the church. That we would be a place as it describes in 1 Corinthians 2:3,4 which says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”  We gather and encourage and comfort one another.
Just a week or so ago I sat up in my daughter Allisons room (she's been diagnosed with Bi-Sacroiliitis and bed-ridden due to extreme pain) and read to her this very passage of scripture… encouraging her with the Word of God - that believe it or not the difficulties we face in life, as hard as they are in the moment or weeks or months or years that somewhere down the road the Lord will use your hardship you endured to encourage others.
The Light brings encouragement 

I guess that is what Jesus meant when he said, “You are the light of the world!”  When the light of Jesus comes to live inside of us; not only is he the light, but together we become the light!  “A light that shines in the darkness; and the darkness will not overcome it!

This is an adventurous season. May we all see the light and the hope that it offers… then grab a hold of what God has in store for us personally in our lives 
Its a purpose-filled life that God wants for everyone who chooses to follow Christ.  The adventurous life of following Jesus is not reserved for “saints” and “super Christians”; it’s a way that life can be lived with God’s help by anyone who opens themselves to it.

And it will be an adventure!

watch video of entire message: There is a Light....there is HOPE

Monday, August 25, 2014

Miley Cyrus VMA 2014 acceptance speech ...... Now what?

Miley Cyrus does it again..... she shocks the watching world at the VMA's.
This time however she takes a quick curve that nobody saw coming. When everyone is waiting in anticipation for another far fetched show, she sends someone else up to accept the award for her. This unknown young man's name is Jesse and he's homeless in L.A.

Here's the acceptance speech:

How about that?
He tells everyone who he is, then asks for us to help him and the many other homeless right here in America by directing them to a link to give to  My Friend’s Place, a Hollywood shelter for the homeless.

As I consider what happened after that acceptance speech,  I think of Jesus' words in Matthew 25:34-40

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"

So about it church? What is our response this year?
Because I remember the response last year. Folks were very quick to tear down Miley for the provocative dancing antics with tongue dangling. That didn't go over well with many.

But how do we respond this year?
Will we be as quick to help, to be a part of reaching out to those who cannot help themselves? Will we do it as quickly as the arrows that were shot last year?

It’s time the Church returned to its roots, and remembered our true purpose in life. God did not tell us to pursue political agendas or become moral policemen. Instead, He told us to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, tend to the sick, and love the lost, for they are the true treasures of Heaven.

Other helpful organizations:
YWAM Houston  
Strong Tower 
Star of Hope

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

small things BIG Difference - ONE WORD

I thought we’d do this since we are half way through year, yeah I said it.
'Cuase doesnt it seem like just a month or so ago it was January you we were laying out New Years goals?  And we always have this real sense of optimism and faith and hope that this year, there are some things about my life and the lives of those that I love that could actually be different.
 There's always this sense, in the new year, that this is the year we could make some changes.  So I don't know about you, maybe some of you would like to get in better shape or lose some weight, eat better, maybe be more spiritually focused this year, perhaps spend more time with your kids.  Maybe some of you want to get better with your money or quit some kind of annoying habit.  I don't know what it would be, but I pray that God would give you the power to achieve those goals this year, because there's something about starting a new year that just brings hope.

So here we are half way through and we’re thinking “boy I should start” haha
Or better yet maybe we need to refocus.
We look at our lives and say, "I need to get those results. And I have no idea all the big  changes that I would need to make."
 I want to bring some good news to you today if you've ever felt that way.  Because, I really believe that it's not often the BIG changes that we need to make, but it's often the small things that no one sees that result in the big things that everyone wants.
Let me say that again because I really believe there's power in this thought, that it's not the big things, but it's often the small things that no one sees that  result in the big things that everyone wants.
                        Let me give you a couple examples.  There was a guy, years ago, that I really admired the way he walked with God. I don't know if you've ever known anyone like this but he didn't just call himself a Christian, you could just tell that  this guy was very prayerful.  When he would respond, he would be searching for scriptures in his mind.  You could just really sense this guy was being led by the Spirit in everything that he did.  Someone asked him, "Man, what's your  secret?  Like, what are the big things you do to have these  results?"  He said, "Well, I honestly think things changed for me 17 years ago when I started reading through the bible every year.  Just each year, I'd read from cover to cover through the bible, and that really helped me be grounded in the things  of God."
                        The person was like, "Oh, well, of course, 17 years of  reading the bible, I could never do that.  That's such a big thing."  He said, "No, no, no, no.  Really, it's not."  He said, "Think about it.  It takes me about 15 minutes a day.  And if I'm just faithful in that small thing, over the course of a year, I actually read through the bible."  A 15-minute discipline changed his life.  The guy thought, "You know what?  I can do that.  I can devote 15 minutes a day."  to just make that small change to make a gigantic difference in my walk and relationship with God.
                         I'll give you another example. Any of you workout/exercise, maybe go to the gym?  Have you ever had the thought, “I workout I go to the gym, I don't see any changes., "What's wrong with me?"  In an article in the magazine Mens Health shares a conversation between 2 guys:
“there's this one guy, I'm looking at him going,  "You're ripped.  I'm not.  What am I doing wrong?" 
 I said,  "Give me some advice.  What are the big things you do?"  He said, "Really, it's not big things.  I just work out four days  a week."  I'm like, "Really?  Four, not seven?"  He said, "No, four's enough."  I said, "How long are your workouts?  Two hours long?"  He said, "No, 20 minutes of weights and 20 minutes of cardio."  I'm like, "You're kidding me.  40  minutes, four days?"  "Yeah, that's about it."  I said, "What about your diet?"  He said, "Well, low carbs, high protein." "What else?  What else?"  "Nothing.  That's it."  "Oh, what? Low carbs, high protein, 40 minutes, four days a week?"  He said, "Yeah, that's about it."  And so I thought, "I think I can do that."
  Here’s the deal folks...  chances are it's not the big things that you think, but it's often the small things that no one sees that result in the big things that everyone wants.

  And so what I want to do today is build a foundation.
We're going to start in Zechariah, chapter 4.  
       So let me give you the context of Zechariah, chapter 4.  During the time when this was written, the temple was destroyed and God's people were in captivity so it was a low point in history.  We don't have a house for God and we're not  even in the place that we're supposed to be.  And so people were very depressed.  In the year 537 B.C, Zerubbabel led a remanent of people back to Israel, and so there was some hope. We're back in the land where we're supposed to live.  And then 18 years later, God spoke to King Zerubbabel and said, "I'm going to give you the power to rebuild the temple."
                         So let's start in verse 6 of Zechariah 4 and we'll read it and let it speak to us. “This is what the Lord said to Zerubbabel:  "It's not by force nor by strength."  In other words, the temple's not going to be built in a way that you get credit for it, but it's going to be by my what?  Everybody let's say it aloud.  "It's not by force, not by strength, but by My Spirit says the Lord of heaven's armies."  Here's the thing.  You can try to change and you can try in your own power.  And you can make some incremental improvements by your power.  But if you'll tap into a power greater than that which you possess, if you tap into the power of the Holy Spirit, His Spirit is made perfect in your weakness.  And not by our effort, not by our might, not by our power, but by His Spirit, he can transform you.
                         It's like when I was trying to fix the railing along our stairs. It had come loose a bit and one of the supporting brackets needed to be mounted better.  And I can't -- I don't fix anything.  I can barely fix a sandwich.  And I was fighting with this little screw driver, it was much too small, trying to get this thing screwed into a stud. I went out to the garage to get other tools and our neighbor 3 houses down Jim is walking by and asks what I’m doing. I explain the railing & my hard time which he says I’ll be back. 5 minutes later he shows up with the tool belt on w/ all these funny looking tools or something idk - and 5 minutes later he moves the bracket to a stud in the wall and VoilĂ  the railing is solid.
I tell him he's awesome and he goes back home.
Three minutes later, Cathleen walks in and she said, "Joe, did you?"  You fixed it!” She hugs me
Now I’m lovin this folks. I am superman right now. So after her excitement I tell her… actually Jim fixed the railing   And she said, "Oh that makes sense" and walks away.
 Bottom line is, I can fight all day long in my own strength, but every now and then, you need a little neighbor Jim power drill strength.  Okay?
                         You can try your best all day long to make all your changes, but when you tap into the Spirit of God, there is a strength beyond what you can muster up on your own.  Some of you, you've tried for years to change something, to improve something, and you cannot do it.  This is the year that it will not be by your might nor by your power, but by His Spirit says the Lord.  God says, "I'm going to give you my power to rebuild this temple."
                         Verse 7 says, "Nothing, not even a mighty mountain will stand in Zerubbabel's way.  It will become level plane before him."  In other words, when God calls someone to do something, there is no force on earth that can stop the power and the will of God through that person.
                         He goes on to say, "And when Zerubbabel sets the final stone of the temple in place, the people will shout 'May God bless it.'"  May God bless it.  I love the fact that before the construction starts, God already sees the end. Before you even attempt to do what God puts on your heart, God knows what the result can be if we surrender to the power of His Spirit.
          Beginning in Verse 8 says, "Then another message came to me from the Lord.  
Zerubbabel is the one who laid the foundation of this temple and he will complete it."  
If you'll pause there for a moment, I did a little research on the background of this story, and what I found is that the initial phases of the construction was actually very awkward.  It went rather slowly.  And if you read in Ezra, there were times when people visited the early stage of construction, and they actually cried.  They cried.  It's debatable as to why they cried.  Some people believe they cried because they were happy that the temple was being rebuilt.  More people actually argue that they cried because they were embarrassed because it was so unimpressive.  They're like, "This is so small and so pathetic.  There's just a few rocks there.  This isn't going to amount to anything."
 And the reality is that's the way we often feel.
                         You go to the gym, you're on the treadmill, and you're thinking, "I've got to lose all this weight and I've only lost 1 pound.  There's no way I'm going to get anywhere."  "I've got make all these changes.  I try so hard and I go three days and I fall back into it."
And we get so embarrassed so often by the small beginnings.
                              Verse 10 says this -- and I hope this will encourage some of you -- "Do not despise these small beginnings.  For the Lord rejoices to see the work begin."

You've got to put one stone before you put a second stone.  You've got to start somewhere.
 And God rejoices to see you be faithful in the small things.
                         One of the challenges is so often, we look at people and we see their highlight reels and we know our behind the scenes.  And we get so intimidated.  You look at people in the bible and you're like, "Look at David.  He was a man after God's own heart.  He took down Goliath.  I want to take down my giant."  But we forget that he was faithful for years in the fields, tending sheep.  And whenever a wild animal would come up, he would run off the animal or he would kill the animal.  What was happening?  He was learning to be faithful with the small things so God could trust him with the big  things.
 People look at Ruth and Boaz.  Girls, all the time, "I want a husband like Boaz.  Boaz just sounds handsome." Okay?  You forget Ruth was faithful to Naomi when she didn't have to be, when it would have been easier not to be.  She was faithful out in the fields for years and years, for time after time.  And it was that faithfulness that opened the doors of God's blessing through Boaz.  It was the things that no one saw that resulted in the marriage that everyone wanted.
We look at Daniel in the bible like, "Oh, he's got such great faith.  I mean, he's standing in a lion's den, and his faith is unwavering.  I want faith like that."  Well, we forget that three times a day, year after year, you know, what Daniel did?  He stopped whatever he was doing, knelt down three times a day, and sought the Lord in prayer.  What kind of faith do you think you would have if you devoted three specific times a day, everyday, to seeking after God?
It's the things that no one sees that results in what everyone wants.
 There’s a great book called "Wooden on Leadership."  It was about John Wooden, one of the greatest  basketball coaches of all time.  He coached for U.C.L.A, ten NCAA titles, seven consecutive titles, unheard of between 1967 and '73.  You know what the first practice consisted of for Coach Wooden?  He brought the players in, didn't run drills, didn't run sprints, didn't practice free throws or passing.
The very first practice consisted of sitting down, putting your socks on and putting your shoes on very very carefully. Because, he found that no one ever thinks about how you put your socks on, and therefore, you get blisters.  And he made a very important point that we're a team that cares about the
details, because the details matter.
In fact, John Wooden said this:  It's the little things that are vital.  Little things make the big things happen.
I love that.  It's so often the small things that no one sees that result in the big things that everyone wants.

 And it's in these small changes, that maybe no one else will notice, will bring about the results, I believe, that we've always wanted.  Because it's impossible to describe the power of a focused life.  When you focus on one thing,
               it's amazing what you can accomplish.
                       There's power in focus.
      Paul, in the New Testament, who was the greatest apostle of all time, if you remember, he had a really hard past.  Not only as a non-Christian, at first, but then as a Christian, he faced massive persecution.  He was beaten, shipwrecked, left for dead, snakebitten, he was hungry, he was stoned many times -- and not recreationally speaking.  You know what I'm saying?  "Oh, I didn't know we could do that. Okay, let's go to Colorado.  Meet you there."  No, no, that's not what I'm talking about.  Okay?  No, no.  We're talking about the guy endured some massive pain.  And you know what he said?  Rather than saying, "Oh, I'm going to think about my past.  Oh, it's been so hard.  You wouldn't believe how mean they are to me.  Oh, they persecuted me all the time."  You know what he said?  He said, "This one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and straining on toward what is ahead."  I'm not going to let my past define my future.  God has something more for me.  So this one thing I do, I let go of all that, and I'm moving forward because God has something else for me.
 This one thing. (watch this… vid)
When you focus on one thing, it's amazing what God can do.
 But when you miss your one thing, it's amazing the blessings you can miss.            

           Jesus visited the home of Mary and Martha, in Luke, chapter 10, and Mary was enjoying the presence of Jesus and Martha was wigging out.  "The tea's luke warm, the dishes don't match."  Whatever.  I don't know what she's doing but you can use your imagination.  Jesus looked at her, he said, "Martha, you're upset about so many things, but only one thing is needed.  Mary" -- who was sitting at the feet of Jesus --  "has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her."  You missed the most important thing.
   It's amazing what a life of focus can actually bring.  It's often the small things that no one sees that result in the big things that everyone wants.
                     So here's your assignment, very simple, and very focused, very direct and very doable.  What I'm going to challenge you to do is get as focused as you can.  What I want to do is I want to ask you to seek God for one specific word that will define and guide your direction for the rest of this year. One word.  And then you can also put a verse to it, because this is not going to be by our might or by our power, but by God's Spirit that he will empower us to move forward.  And you will not believe how different the rest of your year, and your life can be when you focus on one God-breathed word that can help direct your decisions and guide your life.
                         Let me just tell you how I've used this in my own life. My word for the rest of this year is the word  'change.'"  And let me tell you why.
God is desiring change within me. You see I too, like many others have found myself in a rut. Wanting to see some specific goals but not seeing any tangible results. In my personal life, in my family life, in our church.
So I spent some time looking over the goals I’ve had in those different areas and recognizing that YES change needs to happen.
                         The verse that I chose -- I actually love this verse  from Isaiah 54:2 because it shows the desire for growth but the importance of roots.  It reads, "Enlarge the place of your  tent.  Stretch out your tent curtains wide.  Do not hold  back." I love that motivation.  "Lengthen your cords," but  also what do you need to do?  You need to "strengthen your  stakes."  In other words, if you want your influence to grow larger, you also have to make sure your roots grow deeper.
Thus some of the changes that need to take place for me in all those areas.

    I would ask you: What's your one word going to be?  When you pray and seek God,   let me tell you how it's going to start off.  When you hear and believe God has spoken to you about a word, guess what? You've got confidence.  You can hear from God.  If you can hear from God about that, you can hear from God about something else.  Suddenly, you've got some spiritual momentum and you've got a word.  Then you take your word -- I don't know what it is -- "faith, believe, focus, healing,  discernment, generosity, serving," whatever.  Then you type that in google and type in "serving in the bible."  Just do that.  "Serving in the bible." along with your word.  And then there will be verses that come up.  And then you pick you a verse, and then you write it in lipstick on your mirror.  You may get it -- I was  going to say "get it tattooed," but that would be a bad idea 25 years later, because you'd have 25 years.  Don't do it -- but, you know, you get it framed and you put it somewhere that's important to you.  And suddenly, when you wake up, there's a verse and there's a word that's focusing you throughout the year.  "Discipline," and suddenly you're disciplined, you're making wise choices.  "Extra," you're making a little extra effort in all that you do.  "Details,"you're following details.  "Relationships," you're sitting there serving people in relationships.  And then at the end of the year, someone's going to come up to you and say, "Hey, what's up with you?  I don't get it.  I mean, I don't mean to be rude but you weren't in such good shape last year.  Now  you're in good shape."  They're going to say, "I don't get it. You know, you weren't really involved in the church, and now you're like Mr. Church guy or Miss Church lady, you're there all the time, and you're full of joy because you're making a difference."  Or, you know, "You didn't seem to even have a good marriage.  Now you're like newly weds, like "hunka,  hunka, burning love", all the time.  What happened to you?"  "You  weren't even that close to God and now, you know, all you talk  about is how great it is to be used by God.  What happened to you?  What big things?"  And you're going to say, "You know what?  I've got to be honest with you.  It wasn't anything really big, but it was God put something small in front of me and I just decided to be faithful in the small things over  time."
                         Because you know what God loves?  God loves when you're faithful in the small things.  He says, "Well done, my  good and faithful servant. You've been faithful in the small things so guess what?  You are promotable.  Now I can trust you with even bigger things."  And when people look on and wonder how is your life so different?  What?  They can't even  fathom.  And you just say, "You know what?  It's really not the big things but it's the small things that God put on my heart."

 Because, when you focus on one thing, it's amazing what God can accomplish through you.  Don't let anybody fool you; it's not the big things.  It's made up of faithfulness in the small  things over time.  It's often the small things that no one ever sees that result in the big things that everyone wants.

Do how about you? What's your ONE WORD?
Post it in the comments section for yourself and it will certainly encourage many others :)

Video link to this message given at Focus Church: ONE WORD

link: Focus Church media page